on demand yoga

Embrace the Flexibility of Lifelong Learning with our On-Demand Video Library: Videos and Courses

Summer is a busy time often filled with new routines, travel, and adventure. These changes can make it challenging to maintain a consistent yoga practice. Fortunately, our Video Library offers the flexibility to practice alongside us wherever you go. Our On Demand Video Library provides two options for deepening your lifelong learning of yoga: Videos and Courses.

Yoga From the Inside Out at Dogwood Studio This Summer Online, In Person, and Expanded Video Library Opportunities Available

Yoga From the Inside Out at Dogwood Studio This Summer Online, In Person, and Expanded Video Library Opportunities Available

There are many options this summer to keep up with your practice. Our schedule has been updated through September for online and in person classes. Challenge yourself to something new, whether it is taking a class at a different time or checking out one of our wonderful subs. We are here to support you.

Yoga may improve your cholesterol

Yoga may improve your cholesterol

Exercise is good for your health and well being. When you exercise, You increase your circulation and release endorphins so you feel better. It helps your immune system. Studies show that moderate activity has a positive effect on cholesterol because during exercise, our body metabolizes triglycerides which then promotes the movement of LDL and HDL into the liver.

International Day of Yoga And New and Improved Scheduling Platform Coming Soon

International Day of Yoga And New and Improved Scheduling Platform Coming Soon

In 2014, the United Nations recognized the universal appeal and health benefits of yoga by establishing June 21 as the International Day of Yoga.

Dogwood Studio is switching to a new and improved scheduling platform with afresh new look! Starting in July, you will purchase and sign up for classes, memberships, privates, and events using the new system. The system will also host the new, easier to navigate Video Library.

What is Important to Understand about Pride Month?

What is Important to Understand about Pride Month?

We end our practice at Dogwood Studio saying, “We Practice for Our Minds, an Open Mind. We Practice for Our Hearts, an Open Heart. We Practice for Each Other.” Listening and learning is the road to understanding, then acceptance, and these require us to slow down and be present in the moment. Having an open mind to learn of other’s experiences is all that is needed to start to help. Let’s listen together.

Tensegrity and Yoga

Tensegrity and Yoga

What is tensegrity and how does it apply to yoga?

You may be familiar with your yoga therapist explaining that a certain pose will help your body “open” in a certain dimension. But what is going on inside the body to allow this to happen? There is an engineering concept called “tensegrity”, a combination of tension and integrity, that can be applied to your body. We usually think of our bodies being built on the skeleton, where movement is limited by the bones and joints. It is natural to think about it this way since we use skeleton models to understand how the body moves. We are primarily a system of soft tissues, the muscles and fascia, with secondary support from the bones. Instead of the bones holding everything together, the balance of tension across our bodies is the main support.

Common Myths about Yoga Debunked

Common Myths about Yoga Debunked

Yoga has become more popular in the United States over the last couple of decades. The Yoga Alliance published a study about the growth in popularity of yoga in 2016. Since then, it has continued to grow. Many who are unfamiliar with yoga see images of skinny yogis twisting themselves into an artistic pose and think that is what yoga is all about. Yoga can be for any body, young or old, fit or new to exercise, arthritic or post-surgery. Just as we understand that exercising is great for our health without needing to become a bodybuilder, we can enjoy yoga without needing to worry about attaining a perfect and artistic pose.

Chronic Pain with the Help of Yoga Therapy

Chronic Pain with the Help of Yoga Therapy

Chronic pain is pain that lasts for more than six months and can interfere with quality of life and the ability to perform at work or home. Western medicine frequently prescribes pain relief for chronic pain, including a potentially risky opioid, rather than addressing causes or involving the patient in taking control of their bodies to assist in their own recovery or resolution of pain.

On Demand Pre-recorded Yoga Classes Now Available!

On Demand Pre-recorded Yoga Classes Now Available!

What are on demand yoga classes? Yoga sessions are pre-recorded, and you will have access to view the video for a certain amount of time at your convenience.

On Demand classes will be offered two ways:

  1. Weekly with availability for 7 days after the "start time." Each week starts on Sundays at 9 a.m. The first week starts May 31st, and

  2. For special times when the teacher is on vacation or for special recorded events like workshops or master classes. The timeframe for the video availability for these On Demand sessions is set specifically for that event.