Yoga Therapy

Embrace the Flexibility of Lifelong Learning with our On-Demand Video Library: Videos and Courses

Summer is a busy time often filled with new routines, travel, and adventure. These changes can make it challenging to maintain a consistent yoga practice. Fortunately, our Video Library offers the flexibility to practice alongside us wherever you go. Our On Demand Video Library provides two options for deepening your lifelong learning of yoga: Videos and Courses.

Accepting Change

Accepting Change

Yoga invites an exploration of positions and movements you don’t always do. This opportunity to experience something different allows you to embrace the discomfort of change. You learn to notice when your mental imprints, known as samskaras, shape your perceptions, reactions, and understanding of the world. Exploring new thoughts, habits or routines cultivates mental resilience and openness.

Engage Your Core For Better Posture and Less Stress

Engage Your Core For Better Posture and Less Stress

Strengthening the core, whether done in Yoga or other practices, are impacting the fight-or-flight response. In 2016, Peter Strick, a leading neuroscientist at the University of Pittsburgh mapped the connection between the core muscles, adrenal glands, and brain. The awareness that we gain through mindful yoga practices leave a positive imprint throughout our day.

Yoga in the Garden Returns

Yoga in the Garden Returns

Join Dogwood Studios at the Botanical Garden with weekly Yoga classes starting August 17th and all day retreat on October 14th! Practice in connection with community and Mother Earth and be nurtured by nature..

Being in nature amplifies the positive impact that yoga has on our mental health. Spending time outdoors can ease our busy brains and remind us of our deep and lasting roots in the natural world. According to Kripalu outdoor guide, Mark Roule, “we co-evolved with nature; we were shaped, influenced, and adapted to interact and resonate with the wild.”

Celebrating Pride is Dharma

Celebrating Pride is Dharma

Dharma is sometimes simplified as meaning duty. It is the ability to choose to do what is to be done and avoid what should not be done. Dharma is choosing what is proper over what is not proper so that you uphold the natural order of life. Dharma is not a mandate. Dharma is that which supports others. It is the pleasure due to harmony when you help another person or you alleviate their discomfort. This is the meaning of dharma to make the world a better place.

Practice with Sam, Insight Yoga Institute Endorsed Teacher!

Practice with Sam, Insight Yoga Institute Endorsed Teacher!

“We all are very fortunate in the Insight Yoga Sangha to have Sam join our global group of endorsed teachers. With each teachers’ dedication and expertise, we look forward to connecting with you.” ~Sarah Powers, founder of Insight Yoga Institute 

Amanda and Sam talked about Sam’s endorsement by Insight Yoga Institute. In this short interview, Sam explains the journey of freedom and the psychological inquiry that has been integral to her growth and learning at Insight Yoga Institute for the last 11 years with one of her teachers, Sarah Powers. Sam highlights the importance of always learning, growing and evolving. 

Cultivate Your Meditation Practice

Cultivate Your Meditation Practice

Meditation is an invitation to mindfully switch from thinking to observing. A regular meditation practice has the power to open your heart and mind to the present and keep you focused and grounded in the face of adversity. The best part is, it can be done anywhere, anytime! 

Dogwood Studios is excited to be hosting many opportunities to commit or recommit to your meditation practice. Keep track you commitment to enter into drawing to win a prize. Sign up for a lunchtime learning, group yoga class with 15 minutes of meditation, Friday Evening or morning mediation using the calendar on our Class Sign Up Page.