
Yoga Supports Lifelong Learning

Yoga Supports Lifelong Learning

Engaging in a regular yoga practice invites us to embark on an inward journey creating an environment conducive to lifelong learning. Through mindful movement and self-inquiry, we develop a deeper understanding of how our thoughts (mind), emotions (heart), and physiology (body) are interconnected. This heightened awareness helps us tune into our authentic selves, recognizing patterns, behaviors, and feelings that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Meridian Theory and Yoga

Meridian Theory and Yoga

Meridian theory is a fundamental aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Each meridian corresponds to specific organs and functions, contributing to the overall balance of energy. Qi circulates through the body along the meridians, forming a complex network that connects various organs, tissues, and physiological functions. Balancing the five pairs moves us toward greater well-being. 

Pause to Find Your Inner Light

Pause to Find Your Inner Light

The winter solstice is upon us. Each day the sun’s journey across the sky continues to shorten, and each night the stars have a little more time to gaze upon the Earth. It is a time to reflect on the year that is behind us: on the growth we have made, the joy we’ve shared, and the challenges we have faced. It is also a time to dream about the year ahead: to make intentions and consider the abundant possibilities that may come our way. In our yoga practice, we seek to restore balance to our body, mind and heart, and to carry this balance out into our daily lives so we may come from a place of integrity and compassion.

Enjoying All of Life’s Peaceful Moments.

Enjoying All of Life’s Peaceful Moments.

Yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditations help you achieve a peaceful state of mind. However, yoga is not limited to practices on the mat. You can experience glimpses of your peaceful nature at any time. You can experience PEACE in any setting and doing any activity. Take time throughout your day to relish in life’s beauty. Seek out joy and immerse yourself in the experience.

Balance Systems

Balance Systems

Our ability to maintain balance relies largely on the integration of three vital systems: the visual system, the vestibular system (inner ear) and proprioception. A regular balance practice, found in many yoga poses, can improve stability and reduce the risk of falling. At Dogwood Studio, we apply functional and therapeutic balance poses adapted to your body promoting increased elasticity, strength, balance, decreased reactivity, and sense.

Yoga Promotes Overall Wellness

Yoga Promotes Overall Wellness

Since attending my first yoga class a little over a decade ago, I have become a healthier individual. I am stronger. I digest my food better. I am more confident and connect better with others. I am more aware of how I move and have maintained my flexibility. I have found my sense of spirituality and embrace opportunities to be in community. I have learned to accept my emotions and noticed that I am more balanced. I make myself a priority and don’t overextend myself. I continue to become healthier each day despite continuing to age. Yoga is not the only factor that enhanced my overall wellbeing. However, yoga was the catapult that promoted me to start making changes.

New Workshop with Aviva: Yoga for Digestive Health Workshop (online)

New Workshop with Aviva: Yoga for Digestive Health Workshop (online)

According to Ayurveda (literally meaning life science), digestion is the seed of health. Food is life. It nourishes our mind, body and soul. But we need to be able to digest well in order to obtain the nutrients the body needs. When we are out of balance, we do not digest well and disease manifests. Therefore, as we look to maintain health, we need to explore how we digest. Ayurveda suggests that the biggest impact on our digestion is how we eat, not what we eat. Read more about the importance of healthy digestion from an Ayurvedic perspective.

Yoga is a Universal Practice that Supports Well-being

Yoga is a Universal Practice that Supports Well-being

Earlier this week the UN celebrated the 7th annual International Day of Yoga. You can find the event for 2021 and previous year’s events on UN Web TV. The celebration honors the universality of yoga. Yoga is practiced around the globe. Yoga can be done by males, females, transgender, kids, adults and the elderly. It can be practiced in bed, on a mat, in a chair or standing up. Yoga does not contain one specific way of practicing. The physical practice of yoga is highly adaptable to meet the unique needs of each person. Yoga can benefit your body, your mind and your spirit. It offers physical practice, a way to understand your mind and provides connection. The practices of Yoga can be used to support mainstream medicine.

International Day of Yoga And New and Improved Scheduling Platform Coming Soon

International Day of Yoga And New and Improved Scheduling Platform Coming Soon

In 2014, the United Nations recognized the universal appeal and health benefits of yoga by establishing June 21 as the International Day of Yoga.

Dogwood Studio is switching to a new and improved scheduling platform with afresh new look! Starting in July, you will purchase and sign up for classes, memberships, privates, and events using the new system. The system will also host the new, easier to navigate Video Library.