yoga therapy

The Convergence of Yoga and Creativity

The Convergence of Yoga and Creativity

Yoga and creativity share a special connection. Both require us to move beyond the confines of the familiar, to explore the unknown, and to embrace the perspective of a beginner—a fresh lens through which we see the world. This convergence of yoga and creativity is a catalyst for inspiration, opening doors to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of being.

Why we are a Yoga Therapy Studio. Plus, Nourishing Opportunities to Practice.

Why we are a Yoga Therapy Studio. Plus, Nourishing Opportunities to Practice.

Yoga therapy is fundamentally about empowering you to take an active approach to self-care through the tailored application of yoga. Unlike general group classes, which aim to benefit a wide range of participants, yoga therapy offers a personalized and evolving practice that addresses specific health challenges and promotes overall well-being.

iRest: Active Resting That Heals

iRest Yoga Nidra can be perceived as resting, especially since rest is in the name, and we all are not people who rest. Resting can even be a bit scary. It is easy to wonder: Will everything be OK if I slow down and rest? What if I told you that iRest Yoga Nidra is active resting? You are doing something. You are actively listening to a voice, following the prompts, re-wiring your brain, and improving your health.

Therapeutic Yin Yoga for Any-Body: Lunchtime Learning Series

Therapeutic Yin Yoga for Any-Body: Lunchtime Learning Series

Yin yoga incorporates the opportunity to spend more time in lying, kneeling and seated yoga poses. This practice provides an environment where we can spend time nourishing the deeper layers of the body and energy meridians, while incorporating mindfulness practices to support calming of the mind and nervous system.

Counteract the negative tendency of tech neck with yoga

Counteract the negative tendency of tech neck with yoga

Technology is changing our lives. We have the world at our fingertips. But the tool that helps keep us connected has a profound effect on our spine. Maybe you have images of humans evolving to slouch over a computer or perhaps you notice that you are looking down more often. Our beloved technology is affecting how we hold our neck and in response our spine health. The new norm of checking phones and tablets promotes us to spend more time with our shoulders hunched, neck flexed, head forward and chest withdrawn, a position that is sometimes called tech neck.

Group Meditation Offers Positive Benefits for Your Wellbeing

Group Meditation Offers Positive Benefits for Your Wellbeing

Scientists have been studying the differences between the brains of Iamas and others who spend numerous hours in meditation and found stark differences in the structure of their brains. It would take a dissertation to explain all of the neurological benefits the studies have reported, however, in short we can say that brain research shows that meditation is beneficial to our overall physical health and emotional well-being.

Dogwood Studios dedicates February 14-20th to service

Dogwood Studios dedicates February 14-20th to service

This quarter we have updated and expanded our Karma Class initiative to a full week of service. Our intention is to make participation easily accessible. The proceeds from all of the group classes during the week of February 14th, which we are calling Service Week, will be donated to Compass Center for Women and Families, a 501(c)3 charitable organization aligned to our values. When the community comes together to support each other and those in need, everyone benefits. Service Week is an initiative to keep our DE&I statement a living document.

Service: A Key Component to Resiliency and A New Years Survey Link

Service: A Key Component to Resiliency and A New Years Survey Link

Service promotes togetherness and builds a strong community. That’s why service is one of the five components of resiliency. Service along with mindful movement, stretching, humor, and pranayama offer a roadmap to thriving when faced with adversity. Doing something good for others is an antidote to isolation. Studies have shown that between 2020 and 2021 there was an increased rate of depressive symptoms. Isolation contributes to poor health such as heart disease, depression, and premature death. In stark contrast, studies have found a correlation between those who help others and reduced mortality.