Yoga therapy

Focused movement may improve balance, comfort, and mobility.

Focused movement may improve balance, comfort, and mobility.

The Feldenkrais Method is a system that uses a series of movements to guide the practitioner to use body sensation and perceptual feedback. In this method one gains a better awareness between comfort (favorable or easy) and unfavorable (painful or straining) positions. This focused practice teaches how movement patterns develop and how to retrain your movement patterns to avoid discomfort.

Dogwood Studios is excited to be able to offer a Feldenkrais Workshop April 30th with Guest Teacher Jacob Tyson (PT, DPT). The workshop will teach you about the method and how it can help you Optimize Your Yoga Practice.

Spring into Your Yoga Practice

Spring into Your Yoga Practice

It is almost April. As you look outside, you can see all the new growth around. Maybe you find yourself in awe of the new blooms in your garden or welcome the sounds of new life as the birds sing in the morning. Nature is filled with rejuvenation. The energy of springtime growth affects us all. It is the perfect time of the year to start new habits. Let’s celebrate spring by springing into more yoga!

Join Dogwood Studios This Spring: Workshops & More In Person Class Choices

Join Dogwood Studios This Spring: Workshops & More In Person Class Choices

Spring is a time of growth and change. Nature is getting ready for summer. Rain and bright floral fragrances are becoming part of our lives again. You might notice a heaviness to your body in the morning as the body also readies itself to blossom. Practicing yoga is a great way to counteract the grounding energy of spring. Dogwood Studios is here to support you during this season of transition.

Yoga is Linked to the Reduction of Inflammation.

Yoga is Linked to the Reduction of Inflammation.

The World Health Organization defines health as complete well-being in terms of physical, mental and social, and not merely the absence of disease. Yoga with its mind-body approach can address all facets of healing. Although yoga isn’t a miracle cure, yoga offers many tools to positively impact your health. Many studies have pointed out that yoga is linked to the reduction of inflammation.

Pranayama: A Key Component to Resiliency

Pranayama: A Key Component to Resiliency

Have you ever been in a situation where you had low energy and felt rejuvenated by being in nature? According to yoga, nature provides us with a subtle form of energy, called prana. Prana is the life force that animates consciousness. It is similar to the Chinese concept of qi. As we breathe, we take in oxygen from the air and with it the subtle energy of prana.

Humor: A Key Component to Resilience

Humor: A Key Component to Resilience

Resiliency is a practice. It is not like one moment you don’t have it and the next you do. You can’t fake resiliency, but the aphorism “fake it till you make it” holds true for humor. Laughter and smiles are contagious. The physical act of smiling releases molecules that promote feeling good: serotonin and endorphins. Even if you are in a bad mood, when you start laughing your mindset automatically changes. After forcing yourself to smile, you suddenly want to smile because of the feel good molecules that have been released.