being present

Embrace a Beginner's Mindset to Cultivate Joy

Embrace a Beginner's Mindset to Cultivate Joy

Adopting a beginner’s mind can be a powerful tool for cultivating joy and embracing the present moment. As we navigate the journey ahead, let us move with an open mind, embracing each moment as an opportunity for renewal. In the simplicity of presence, the beauty of growth, the release of expectations, and the nurturing of self-compassion, we uncover the true essence of joy that lies within us all.

Practice Connection and Contentment

Practice Connection and Contentment

This December, cherish your traditions and honor your values. Give yourself permission to linger in an embrace of a loved one and at the same time give yourself permission to be alone. Enjoy the beauty in all that surrounds you. As we end 2023, ask yourself how can you connect to your unlimited self? NOW is the time we can practice leading our lives with connection and contentment. 

What is Important to Understand about Pride Month?

What is Important to Understand about Pride Month?

We end our practice at Dogwood Studio saying, “We Practice for Our Minds, an Open Mind. We Practice for Our Hearts, an Open Heart. We Practice for Each Other.” Listening and learning is the road to understanding, then acceptance, and these require us to slow down and be present in the moment. Having an open mind to learn of other’s experiences is all that is needed to start to help. Let’s listen together.