yin yoga

Noticing Your Subtle Body

Noticing Your Subtle Body

Even if you don’t notice it or feel it, every time you step on the mat and move your body, you support balancing your inner and outer experience. Yoga practices give an opportunity for Qi (Chi, life force) to flow more freely through the meridians (rivers of energy). You might not be able to see Qi flowing through meridians, however you can experience the effect of your energy. Free flowing Qi allows the energy nourishes our body and improves the health of our organs so we can experience the vitality of life.

Meridian Theory and Yoga

Meridian Theory and Yoga

Meridian theory is a fundamental aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Each meridian corresponds to specific organs and functions, contributing to the overall balance of energy. Qi circulates through the body along the meridians, forming a complex network that connects various organs, tissues, and physiological functions. Balancing the five pairs moves us toward greater well-being. 

Join Leesann this Fall at Dogwood Studio!

Join Leesann this Fall at Dogwood Studio!

We have some wonderful news to announce. Leesann will be returning to live classes at Dogwood Studios. 🥳 We are thrilled that Leesann will be gracing us with her presence. She will be joining Sam for Candlelight Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra and teaching from Chapel Hill at the end of October! 💖 You can practice Live with Leesann either In Person or Online. 

Gratitude is Accepting the Good and the Unpleasant

Gratitude is Accepting the Good and the Unpleasant

Life is filled with things that we enjoy, raga, and things that we dislike, dvesha. The turbulence of seeking enjoyment and rejecting aversions keep us in a never ending cycle of desiring, of always wanting something more. Yoga teaches us to recognize our ragas and dveshas so we can be aware of what is driving us. Once we know what drives us, we learn to react with objectivity and embrace all that comes our way.

The Practice of Yin Yoga

The Practice of Yin Yoga

Yin and Yang are opposing conditions that exist simultaneously on a spectrum. We apply yin and yang based on the context, for example, the heart as yin when considering deep in the body, but the heart can be referred to as yang when referring to the blood pumping through. Some yang styles of yoga aim to stress the muscles through rhythmic and repetitive movements, and some yang styles of yoga focus on strength and more intense focus. While yin yoga commonly includes activities that are quieter, more contemplative. Yin may gently target the ligaments, bones, and joints. You will be encouraged to use props to increase or decrease intensity of a stretch or to shift where the pose targets to help honor the history of our bodies and also help us adapt a yin pose to our unique body.

Dogwood Studios is excited for the return of Yin Yoga.

Dogwood Studios is excited for the return of Yin Yoga.

We are bringing Yin back for Service Week benefiting Healing Pines Respite! Service Week will include 2 Yin classes: Friday Evening Yin with Sam and on Saturday Evening Leesann will be teaching Restorative Yin and Yoga Nidra. We will continue to offer Yin Yoga the first Friday of the month at 6:15 pm with an In Person and an Online option for attendance.

New Restorative Yin and Yoga Nidra Class Starting February 18th

New Restorative Yin and Yoga Nidra Class Starting February 18th

Starting February 18th, join Leesann for a restorative and regenerative exploration of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra. This is a wonderfully nourishing way to end the day and week. Contemplative Yin Yoga paired with the deeply restorative practice of Yoga Nidra.