
Meridian Theory and Yoga

Meridian Theory and Yoga

Meridian theory is a fundamental aspect of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Each meridian corresponds to specific organs and functions, contributing to the overall balance of energy. Qi circulates through the body along the meridians, forming a complex network that connects various organs, tissues, and physiological functions. Balancing the five pairs moves us toward greater well-being. 

Yoga Promotes Overall Wellness

Yoga Promotes Overall Wellness

Since attending my first yoga class a little over a decade ago, I have become a healthier individual. I am stronger. I digest my food better. I am more confident and connect better with others. I am more aware of how I move and have maintained my flexibility. I have found my sense of spirituality and embrace opportunities to be in community. I have learned to accept my emotions and noticed that I am more balanced. I make myself a priority and don’t overextend myself. I continue to become healthier each day despite continuing to age. Yoga is not the only factor that enhanced my overall wellbeing. However, yoga was the catapult that promoted me to start making changes.