yoga on demand

This Fourth of July, Practice with Dogwood Studios!

This Fourth of July, Practice with Dogwood Studios!

4th of July gives us time to celebrate the joys of freedom. However, real freedom is an internal practice. Group classes at Dogwood Studios will follow our regular schedule throughout July. As everyone celebrates Fourth of July, you will find a few subs throughout the month and Joint Freeing Yoga on July 4th will be offered as an On Demand Video rather than a live class. 

Dogwood Studios is excited for the return of Yin Yoga.

Dogwood Studios is excited for the return of Yin Yoga.

We are bringing Yin back for Service Week benefiting Healing Pines Respite! Service Week will include 2 Yin classes: Friday Evening Yin with Sam and on Saturday Evening Leesann will be teaching Restorative Yin and Yoga Nidra. We will continue to offer Yin Yoga the first Friday of the month at 6:15 pm with an In Person and an Online option for attendance.

Ground yourself for summer travel

Ground yourself for summer travel

Summer is here with heat on full blast. This summer many are finding themselves in a comfortable position to travel again. Whether you hope to get a quick road trip to a beach or are finally able to take the long trip you planned two years ago, traveling can be stressful. As we prepare to travel we have to remind ourselves to be in the present moment and enjoy the process of travel. Yoga offers many tools to keep you grounded and in the present moment.

Counteract the negative tendency of tech neck with yoga

Counteract the negative tendency of tech neck with yoga

Technology is changing our lives. We have the world at our fingertips. But the tool that helps keep us connected has a profound effect on our spine. Maybe you have images of humans evolving to slouch over a computer or perhaps you notice that you are looking down more often. Our beloved technology is affecting how we hold our neck and in response our spine health. The new norm of checking phones and tablets promotes us to spend more time with our shoulders hunched, neck flexed, head forward and chest withdrawn, a position that is sometimes called tech neck.

Yama, a Yoga Practice for Interacting with Others

Yama, a Yoga Practice for Interacting with Others

Yoga is a practice. You might be practicing your balance, flexibility, strength or perhaps it is mindfulness. Yoga is not a single practice. The more you practice yoga, the more you recognize the universality in life.

Harmonizing your mind, implies that you learn how you think. You explore how you interact with the world and yourself and how those interactions shape your emotions. In yoga terms, you cultivate Yama. Yama is narrowly translated as ethical guidelines or restraints. In reality, they are a set of universal practices that are fundamental habits of the mind. The 5 principles are a means to be aware of the instinctive patterns of the mind and to move them towards compassion.

Join Dogwood Studios This Spring: Workshops & More In Person Class Choices

Join Dogwood Studios This Spring: Workshops & More In Person Class Choices

Spring is a time of growth and change. Nature is getting ready for summer. Rain and bright floral fragrances are becoming part of our lives again. You might notice a heaviness to your body in the morning as the body also readies itself to blossom. Practicing yoga is a great way to counteract the grounding energy of spring. Dogwood Studios is here to support you during this season of transition.

Yoga is Linked to the Reduction of Inflammation.

Yoga is Linked to the Reduction of Inflammation.

The World Health Organization defines health as complete well-being in terms of physical, mental and social, and not merely the absence of disease. Yoga with its mind-body approach can address all facets of healing. Although yoga isn’t a miracle cure, yoga offers many tools to positively impact your health. Many studies have pointed out that yoga is linked to the reduction of inflammation.

Dogwood Studios dedicates February 14-20th to service

Dogwood Studios dedicates February 14-20th to service

This quarter we have updated and expanded our Karma Class initiative to a full week of service. Our intention is to make participation easily accessible. The proceeds from all of the group classes during the week of February 14th, which we are calling Service Week, will be donated to Compass Center for Women and Families, a 501(c)3 charitable organization aligned to our values. When the community comes together to support each other and those in need, everyone benefits. Service Week is an initiative to keep our DE&I statement a living document.

Humor: A Key Component to Resilience

Humor: A Key Component to Resilience

Resiliency is a practice. It is not like one moment you don’t have it and the next you do. You can’t fake resiliency, but the aphorism “fake it till you make it” holds true for humor. Laughter and smiles are contagious. The physical act of smiling releases molecules that promote feeling good: serotonin and endorphins. Even if you are in a bad mood, when you start laughing your mindset automatically changes. After forcing yourself to smile, you suddenly want to smile because of the feel good molecules that have been released.