
Yoga and Osteoporosis Workshop, Explore Moving Safely with Confidence

Yoga and Osteoporosis Workshop, Explore Moving Safely with Confidence

Having osteoporosis shouldn’t prevent you from engaging in physical activity. Movement such as those done in Yoga can support healthy bones. A 2016 study reported that 12 minutes of yoga appeared to raise bone mineral density in the spine and the femur safely. Yoga is also good for your balance, flexibility, brain and more. However, not all yoga postures are beneficial for everybody’s skeleton. Some yoga postures and movements are associated with risks for those with osteoporosis. Therefore, it is important to equip yourself with knowledge about what movements are safe and what movements should be avoided. 

Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop this Saturday

Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop this Saturday

Osteoporosis affects 24 million Americans. The most common injury related to osteoporosis is bone fracture, which is especially common in the spine and hips. Yoga practices move the spine and hips in all directions, therefore it is important to learn about and experience movements that do not load your spine so you can continue practicing yoga safely even if you experience bone loss.

There is space for the online option of our Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop happening this Saturday.

Invest in healthy bones. Learn how to move safely with Dogwood’s Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop

Invest in healthy bones. Learn how to move safely with Dogwood’s Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop

In every yoga class that we teach at Dogwood Studios, we mention the importance of keeping our spine healthy. Osteoporosis is a silent disease. You can not feel when your bones get weaker. So much so that people often don’t realize they have low bone mineral density (BMD) until a bone breaks. The National Osteoporosis Foundation reports that the disease is responsible for an estimated two million broken bones per year. One in two women and up to one in four men over age 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.

Coming Soon: Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop!

Coming Soon: Osteoporosis and Yoga Workshop!

Not all yoga practices are equal. There are special considerations to take into account when dealing with osteoporosis. SAM Sather, a certified yoga therapist and RN, is teaching an osteoporosis and yoga workshop for you to learn how to practice or teach yoga for those at risk for fractures from osteoporosis. Having osteoporosis does not mean you should not do yoga, but empowering a student about how to keep theirself safe is essential.