Enjoying All of Life’s Peaceful Moments.

Sunrise departing Canso (July 7,6:28 am) David pointed out this stunning sunrise as we set out early on the longest single leg of the trip: 215 nautical miles (36 hours), an overnight trip from Canso, NS, to L’Ile de St Pierre. St Pierre & Miquelon is a French territory just off the coast of Newfoundland (NL)  ~Andy S~

  • Learn about the mind states and Spiritual Freedom with Sam on October 4th for Lunchtime Learning A Pathway to the Beauty of Peace - B.E.L.L.A. Sign Up In Person at the Parlour or Online.

  • Friday Night Yin returns October 6th, In Person at the Yoga Shala in Carrboro and Online via Zoom

  • Space is still available for the Yoga and Art Retreat: Heart of Peace. Join us on October 14th to spend a day immersed in nature and connecting to your own true nature. Sign Up is through the NC Botanical Garden.

Written by Aviva Tulasi

Yoga supports being mindfully aware of what you are doing. When doing yoga you practice focusing and being less distracted by thoughts, wants or emotions. You can become more aware of your True Nature - YOU ARE PEACE. Yoga supports training up the state of mind where you are completely focused on the task you are doing.

Yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditations help you achieve this peaceful state of mind. However, yoga is not limited to practices on the mat. You can experience glimpses of your peaceful nature at any time. You can experience PEACE in any setting and doing any activity. Andy, a loving community member of Dogwood Studios, experiences yogic balance or this peace when sailing. Andy described his trip to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia as, “I am much in the moment. In fact, having internet access was jarring at first.” This is the essence of yoga. 

Andy has given us a little gift of peace of mind and shared his images from his sailing trip. Click Here to view a Andy’s favorite 59 photos: Maine to Newfoundland. 

When I look at Andy’s amazing photos, I get completely absorbed in the beauty of the scenery. I am consumed by Awe. Time stands still and I feel the joy that Andy must have had when taking the photo. For a moment, my mind pauses and is free from thinking, wanting or wishing, leaving me in a state of peace. 

Scientists have been exploring the conditions needed for peace of mind for decades. In 2010, Harvard University psychologists Matthew A. Killingsworth and Daniel T. Gilbert noted “A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind.”

Normally we can’t see our True Nature because the mind is preoccupied. However, when the mind waves become still, like the waters of a lake on a windless day, we can see into its depths. Only when the waves are calm and the dirt is clear that we can see all the way to the bottom. Then we see our True Nature, inner peace. Summary of Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Mind-Lake Analogy.

Give yourself the gift of inner peace. Take time throughout your day to relish in life’s beauty. Seek out joy and immerse yourself in the experience. 

“The moment you understand yourself as the true Self, you find such peace and bliss that the impression of the petty enjoyments you experienced before becoming ordinary specks of light in front of the brilliant sun.” - Swami Satchidananda, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, commentary from verse 1.16

Join us this October for yoga and meditation classes focused on Peace.

We have made updates to our website to make it easier to find all the information that you need!

Enjoy the new look for our Class Sign Up Page! The new look makes it easier to find information about the class you want. First you click on the class, then choose how you will participate (if a hybrid class).

If you have questions, reach out to us at info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com. We are here to help. ❤️

Aviva Tulasi is a certified yoga therapist (CIAYT) and studio coordinator at Dogwood Studios. Aviva applies the teachings of classical yoga (movement, focused breathing & meditation) to nourish the nervous system. Aviva’s classes empower students to explore their thought habits in order to promote greater wellbeing both on and off the mat.

Sandra (Sam) Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a nurse and certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT). Sam is an InSight Yoga Institute Endorsed Teacher. Sam uses the components of yoga and advanced training in functional movement and mindfulness to help individuals find “their yoga” with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers private sessions so clients can focus on their needs one-on-one. Sam also teaches several live, online and in person yoga classes and Dogwood offers a video library to support learning and practice on your time.