yoga mind

Sitting with Worry and Restlessness

Sitting with Worry and Restlessness

The five hindrances are mental states that challenge our ability to be mindful and present. These hindrances include sensual desire, ill will, sloth, worry or restlessness, and doubt. Gil Fronsdal, author of Unhindered, encourages us to approach worry and restlessness with a sense of curiosity and mindfulness. Instead of trying to push these emotions away, we are encouraged to sit with them, observing the sensations and thoughts without judgment. By approaching these hindrances with awareness, curiosity, and equanimity, we find opportunities for growth and deeper understanding on the journey toward greater peace and presence.

Enjoying All of Life’s Peaceful Moments.

Enjoying All of Life’s Peaceful Moments.

Yoga postures, breathing exercises and meditations help you achieve a peaceful state of mind. However, yoga is not limited to practices on the mat. You can experience glimpses of your peaceful nature at any time. You can experience PEACE in any setting and doing any activity. Take time throughout your day to relish in life’s beauty. Seek out joy and immerse yourself in the experience.