
Yoga Supports Lifelong Learning

Yoga Supports Lifelong Learning

Engaging in a regular yoga practice invites us to embark on an inward journey creating an environment conducive to lifelong learning. Through mindful movement and self-inquiry, we develop a deeper understanding of how our thoughts (mind), emotions (heart), and physiology (body) are interconnected. This heightened awareness helps us tune into our authentic selves, recognizing patterns, behaviors, and feelings that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Mindfulness Retreat at NC Botanical Garden

Mindfulness Retreat at NC Botanical Garden

On Saturday, October 29 from 8:30am-3:00pm at the NC Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill, we invite you to The Heart of Hope: Wisdom from the Garden retreat. Step into a garden and you will encounter a bountiful display of creativity: the vining of the mischievous Morning Glory, the colorful blossoming of Chrysanthemum, the flopping spread of purple Asters and yellow Goldenrod. All around, flowers showcase their beauty, pollinators buzz around, plumes of grass sway in the wind, birds sing their melodies. Whether this garden is a container garden on a balcony or a landscaped backyard, it is sure to inspire awe and a sense of presence.

Service: A Key Component to Resiliency and A New Years Survey Link

Service: A Key Component to Resiliency and A New Years Survey Link

Service promotes togetherness and builds a strong community. That’s why service is one of the five components of resiliency. Service along with mindful movement, stretching, humor, and pranayama offer a roadmap to thriving when faced with adversity. Doing something good for others is an antidote to isolation. Studies have shown that between 2020 and 2021 there was an increased rate of depressive symptoms. Isolation contributes to poor health such as heart disease, depression, and premature death. In stark contrast, studies have found a correlation between those who help others and reduced mortality.

Stretching: A Key Component to Resilience

Stretching: A Key Component to Resilience

According to Tom Myers, from Anatomy trains, the key to building resilience is a 5 pronged full body approach. Resiliency includes mindful movement, stretching, humor, service and pranayama!

It is important to stretch regularly. Stretching allows the fascia to maintain fluidity which will keep the joints functioning properly. A Harvard Health article explains the physical benefits of stretching. Another response to elastic fascia is healthy functioning organs. A study has shown that when you passively stretch you maintain a healthy heart.

5 Practices to Cultivate Resilience

5 Practices to Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity. It is a term used to gauge a person’s capacity to recover, to cope, from stressful and traumatic experiences. Resiliency is not a static state of being nor is it a personality trait that only some people possess. The development of resilience is a process to be cultivated and practiced.

Tom Myers, of Anatomy Trains and a beloved teacher of the Dogwood team, approaches resilience in a straightforward and practical manner that resonates deeply with us. According to Tom Myers, the key to building resilience is a 5 pronged full body approach. Resiliency includes mindful movement, stretching, humor, service and pranayama.