healthy spine

Spinal Variation

Spinal Variation

The spine is most stable when in its neutral position, and it becomes less stable as it deviates from this natural alignment. Optimal health doesn't demand excessive spinal flexibility. Stability is the primary function of the spine. Remember, you are unique—no one else shares your biography or biology. One-size-fits-all advice doesn't hold; what works for one person might not work for you. The key is to discover the movements and exercises that serve your body. Let your practice be adaptable, not dogmatic, respecting the vast spectrum of human variation. 

Counteract the negative tendency of tech neck with yoga

Counteract the negative tendency of tech neck with yoga

Technology is changing our lives. We have the world at our fingertips. But the tool that helps keep us connected has a profound effect on our spine. Maybe you have images of humans evolving to slouch over a computer or perhaps you notice that you are looking down more often. Our beloved technology is affecting how we hold our neck and in response our spine health. The new norm of checking phones and tablets promotes us to spend more time with our shoulders hunched, neck flexed, head forward and chest withdrawn, a position that is sometimes called tech neck.