Engage Your Core For Better Posture and Less Stress

  • November 10th at 6:15 - 7:45 PM ET Join Ainslee for a 75-minute Friday Night Yin Yoga class to cultivate relaxation, awareness and insights to our mind, body and heart. Sign up for In Person at Yoga Shala or Online. 

  • November 19th at 10:00-11:00 AM ET, Join Sam Sather, founder of Dogwood Studio, and the Insight Yoga Online Community (IYOC) for a 60-minute online dharma talk Stressful Busyness In Life. The workshop will weave in a discussion, meditation and inquiry. For those who cannot attend the live session, a recording will be available for 7 days post event. Pre-registration required through the Insight Yoga Institute. Click here to register!

Written by Aviva Tulasi

The other day, I put on my well worn jacket as I was getting ready to walk my dogs. The jacket is very familiar as I have worn it on many walks over the last 7+ years but today something was different. The jacket felt lighter. I had so much room around my neck and shoulder. As I took my first few steps into the crisp air, I smiled. I felt free. A weight was lifted off my shoulders. Rather than feeling the dread of being obliged to stroll around being cold, I was excited to take a walk. By the time I reached my mailbox it dawned on me what was different. I wasn’t shrugging my shoulders and I held my head in a neutral position. I gifted myself the experience of noticing how walking with good posture felt throughout my body. 

Practicing and teaching yoga has made me aware of my tendency to round my shoulders and hold my head forward. My daily hip hinge practice has helped me retrain my fascia to support a new position of my head. I notice that as I drive around all day, it is the norm that the back of my head rests against the headrest (wasn’t the case 4 years ago). And even though I am busier now than I was 4 years ago, my stress level hasn’t increased. 

Is there a connection between yoga, posture and stress?

In 2016, Peter Strick, a leading neuroscientist at the University of Pittsburgh mapped the connection between the core muscles, adrenal glands, and brain. Manoush Zomorodi explains the research in the 4th episode of Body Electric, “our stress response is controlled by more than just the 'thinking' part of the brain. Other parts of the brain, including those which control our muscles, are also sending signals to the adrenal medulla. And the area of the brain that communicates with the adrenal glands receives signals from the core muscles as well.” 

Strengthening the core, whether done in Yoga or other practices, are also impacting the fight-or-flight response. The awareness that we gain through mindful yoga practices leave a positive imprint throughout our day. 

Learn how yoga can be used to strengthen your core in a group yoga class or a private yoga therapy session.

Email info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com with questions. We are here to help!

Aviva Chaye Tulasi is a certified yoga therapist (CIAYT) and studio coordinator at Dogwood Studios. Aviva applies the teachings of classical yoga (movement, focused breathing & meditation) to nourish the nervous system. Aviva’s classes empower students to explore their thought habits in order to promote greater wellbeing both on and off the mat.

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) and an Insight Yoga Institute (IYI) endorsed teacher. She individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online and in person yoga classes as well as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.