yoga ondemand

Slow Breathing with Extended Exhalation Can Reduce Intense Negative Emotions

Slow Breathing with Extended Exhalation Can Reduce Intense Negative Emotions

We need tools to reduce the intense negative emotions and return to a state of calm to promote clarity of what is true. What’s an easy tool to use? Slow Breathing with an Extended Exhale. For the month of June, you can practice slow extended exhalation using this Guided Extended Exhalation in our video library for free

Creating new pathways through movement

Creating new pathways through movement

As I was putting away mats and chairs after Jacob’s Optimizing Your Movement Workshop, I noticed a new sensation in my left hip. The awareness of new muscle fatigue made me laugh. During the workshop we spent focused time experiencing slow body movements connected to how the spine moves. This awakened stabilizing muscles of my hips and brought more awareness of how I avoid specific positions of my hips.

Dogwood Studios is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Dogwood Studios is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Dogwood Studios has been working on our level of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We recognize that we need to do more and be better. We are committed to having courageous conversations and taking active steps to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. In the last few months, our team has come together to put what we think is important about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion into words. Creating a DE&I statement is the first step in transforming our ideas about diversity, equity and inclusion into action and results. We hope you can join us in this process of learning and growing.