Creating new pathways through movement

Written by Aviva Tulasi

As I was putting away mats and chairs after Jacob’s Optimizing Your Movement Workshop, I noticed a new sensation in my left hip. The awareness of new muscle fatigue made me laugh. During the workshop we spent focused time experiencing slow body movements connected to how the spine moves. This awakened stabilizing muscles of my hips and brought more awareness of how I avoid specific positions of my hips. 

Throughout the workshop, Jacob reminded you to move slowly. To notice without judgment. Then he gently invited you to experience something different in your asana. We explored moving the spine while seated, in child’s pose, on your back and a posture of your choice. I chose pigeon because I wanted to learn more about my hip.

Throughout my adult life, I have struggled with my left hip. I don’t exactly know when the constant pain in my left hip began, but I have experienced  something in the left hip for twenty years. In college I went to a chiropractor. In my thirties there were more chiropractors, naturopaths and functional physical therapists. Everything helped, but a regular yoga practice prevents the pain from appearing. I know what yoga postures help with the pain and what makes the hip more. I know that I have to be aware of where I place my left foot in Warrior 2. I am aware of the connection between my hip problems and how I hold my spine. I know that lengthening my lower back relieves the pain in my hip and that when the left side of my pelvis rotates upward, my left knee hurts. And yet, Jacob’s workshop exposed something new; movement in the pelvis that I unconsciously avoided. In the two hour workshop, I found new ways to move my pelvis which provided new options for movement. And my muscles definitely noticed afterwards.

Jacob stressed that the pelvis is the foundation of the spine. It is your basis. It is the bridge between the upper and lower part of the body. Anytime your hip is moving, your pelvis is moving. And anytime your pelvis is moving, your hip is moving. If you image the pelvis on a clock, you can orient movements of the pelvis into specific directions. By inviting movement of the pelvis towards 12, 6, 3 and 9 you can awaken new patterns of movement which promotes more awareness into the body and retrain the brain so that you can find elegance in movement. 

If you were not able to join Jacob in the workshop, we have added the recording to the Video Library. Click HERE to rent the video or watch it using your Green Subscription.

Perhaps you prefer to learn from Jacob live. Join us Wednesday evenings in June for Jacob’s PhysiYoga Flow: Function and Fluidity to experience a deeper awareness of your body.

  • Dates: June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th 

  • Time: Wednesdays, 5:45-6:45 p.m. (EST)

  • Hybrid Workshop: both In Person and online options for attendance

  • Sign Up: Using Dogwood Studio’s Momence 

  • Read the full class description on our website

Jacob Tyson is a physical therapist and yoga teacher from Chapel Hill, NC.  He is  passionate about integrating mindful movement and other wellness practices with traditional physical therapy to provide holistic health solutions. Jacob currently works as a therapist at the Wellness Station in Durham, an integrative physical therapy practice informed by the Feldenkrais Method and therapeutic yoga. As a physical therapist, Jacob prioritizes educating people about the mind-body connection and its significance in the healing process. 

Whether you want to connect to your inner world or with Mother Nature, we have many class options available. 

  • Ainslee’s Herbal Yoga starts Sunday May 15. 

    • In this 6 week series, Ainslee will guide through movement and meditation to form a deeper connection to native herbs. 

    • Space is still available. Sign up for one, some or choose the course to attend the entire series.  

  • Sam and Ainslee will be teaching Yoga at the NC Botanical Garden Tuesdays at 10am.

    • Practice yoga outdoors in the shade next to the Streamside Trail.

    • Sign up through the NC Botanical Garden website.

  • We continue to host group meditation after Friday’s Mindful Movement Class.

    • No meditation experience is needed.

    • Sign up as you would for any of our group classes.

Reach out to us via email with any questions or comments at

Aviva Chaye Tulasi is a team member at Dogwood Studios. She is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT). She applies the teachings of classical yoga to reduce the effects of negative stress and to balance the nervous system. Aviva is available for private sessions. Email Aviva at with any questions.

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online and in person yoga classes as well as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.