Karma Yoga

Service: A Key Component to Resiliency and A New Years Survey Link

Service: A Key Component to Resiliency and A New Years Survey Link

Service promotes togetherness and builds a strong community. That’s why service is one of the five components of resiliency. Service along with mindful movement, stretching, humor, and pranayama offer a roadmap to thriving when faced with adversity. Doing something good for others is an antidote to isolation. Studies have shown that between 2020 and 2021 there was an increased rate of depressive symptoms. Isolation contributes to poor health such as heart disease, depression, and premature death. In stark contrast, studies have found a correlation between those who help others and reduced mortality.

Dogwood Studio’s first Service Class supports Healing Pines Respite

Dogwood Studio’s first Service Class supports Healing Pines Respite

Dogwood Studio is proud to start our pay what you can Karma Classes by supporting Healing Pines Respite. Healing Pines Respite is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides respites for women throughout North Carolina currently in cancer treatment and up to two years post-treatment. They grant space to tune into their healing journey with rest, connection and nature. They promote shifting the priority from merely surviving to living well so women with cancer can heal mind, body, and spirit. When women thrive, it has a ripple effect on their families and communities.