
Practice Connection and Contentment

Practice Connection and Contentment

This December, cherish your traditions and honor your values. Give yourself permission to linger in an embrace of a loved one and at the same time give yourself permission to be alone. Enjoy the beauty in all that surrounds you. As we end 2023, ask yourself how can you connect to your unlimited self? NOW is the time we can practice leading our lives with connection and contentment. 

Commit to Meditate This May

Commit to Meditate This May

This May, Dogwood Studios will be hosting many opportunities to develop a steadfast and determined commitment towards mediation. Natasha Rizopoulos explains in Yoga Journal Article, “If you can be resolute in your efforts and, in equal measure, not be fixated on the outcome of those efforts, your consciousness will become less hectic, and your vrittis (mental modifications or habitual thought patterns) will still or settle.”