yoga is for everyone

Service Week, June 2023: Benefiting LGBTQ Center of Durham

Service Week, June 2023: Benefiting LGBTQ Center of Durham

Service week is one way that Dogwood Studios practices seva. Seva is “the practice of selfless service.” It is acting with heartfelt intention to make the lives of others better without expectations for the outcome of that action. We offer service through kindness and compassion with no expectation of personal gain.

Ground yourself with Yoga and Meditation this Fall

Ground yourself with Yoga and Meditation this Fall

Fall is a good time to practice self care that nourishes and warms the body and mind. Grounding practices of yoga and meditation help you keep your balance as Nature around us starts to prepare for winter because our bodies and our minds are also preparing for winter. Just like we balance out our active Yang practice with a calming Yin practice, we need to balance the variability of fall with grounding and nourishing activities to keep us rooted. Fall is the time to let go of the heat and intensity of the summer and embrace the heaviness that is approaching. We can find our balance between summer and winter’s energy by making self care an intentional aspect of our daily routine.