Five Hindrances

Sitting with Worry and Restlessness

Sitting with Worry and Restlessness

The five hindrances are mental states that challenge our ability to be mindful and present. These hindrances include sensual desire, ill will, sloth, worry or restlessness, and doubt. Gil Fronsdal, author of Unhindered, encourages us to approach worry and restlessness with a sense of curiosity and mindfulness. Instead of trying to push these emotions away, we are encouraged to sit with them, observing the sensations and thoughts without judgment. By approaching these hindrances with awareness, curiosity, and equanimity, we find opportunities for growth and deeper understanding on the journey toward greater peace and presence.

The Five Hindrances

The Five Hindrances

The five hindrances are mental states that challenge our ability to be mindful and present. These hindrances include sensual desire, ill will, sloth, worry or restlessness, and doubt. Such mental states have a potent effect on the way we see and interact with the world. As the name suggests, these qualities hinder our ability to perform effectively and respond appropriately. The hindrances are not to be seen as obstacles, but rather a valuable opportunity for self-inquiry. To overcome our hindrances we must become mindfully aware of their presence so we can learn how to best navigate our own unique path to liberation.