integrative health

Healing of Illnesses Linked to Alternative Therapies and Understanding Trauma

Healing of Illnesses Linked to Alternative Therapies and Understanding Trauma

Although it would be nice if it were not true, no one can claim to go through life without experiencing physical or emotional trauma. Trauma does not need to be something huge, like surviving a natural disaster. Instead, trauma can be a small occurrence that affects us in a big way that we may not realize is the cause. The trauma could be related to constant pressure such as concern over the pandemic or job demands. Traumas can also come from unresolved issues from the past that are activated again in the present.

Could it be Menopause?

Could it be Menopause?

Not sure exactly how to know if you might be going through menopause? You may start to notice changes in your health and well-being as you enter your forties and fifties but these aren’t always recognized as being linked to menopause. Changing levels of estrogen, testosterone and other hormones can encourage a range of symptoms. Some of these are classic menopause symptoms but others can be more surprising. If you have any of these symptoms and you’re in the ballpark age for menopause, think about speaking to your doctor about having your hormone levels checked.