Healing of Illnesses Linked to Alternative Therapies and Understanding Trauma


Although it would be nice if it were not true, no one can claim to go through life without experiencing physical or emotional trauma. Trauma does not need to be something huge, like surviving a natural disaster. Instead, trauma can be a small occurrence that affects us in a big way that we may not realize is the cause. The trauma could be related to constant pressure such as concern over the pandemic or job demands. Traumas can also come from unresolved issues from the past that are activated again in the present. Many are more familiar with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, where the stressor can trigger some seriously negative reactions in the individual suffering from it. Smaller traumas we hold inside, barely noticing what they are, but they are just beneath the surface. They lead to negative stress and symptoms such as anxiety, inability to rest, unfocused thoughts, fatigue, poor sleep, digestive issues, etc. This happens through activation of the sympathetic nervous system, the flight, fright, or freeze mode. Read our blog HERE on why it is important to have a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems for a healthy mind and body.

As you read through the rest of this blog, remember: Do not change any treatment plan without discussing your options with your health care providers. Traditional medicine treats these symptoms with talk therapy and prescriptions. Talk therapy can be helpful if you know what the trauma is and there is something to work through. For many others, they can end up spending a long time thinking there is something wrong, unsure what it is yet, because they do not remember what started the trauma in the first place. For these folks, talking therapy can be less helpful. Prescriptions are a lifesaver for many and can allow a person to get to the right space to work through trauma, but they can be a mask of the root cause or a crutch for others.

Here is an example to illustrate. Imagine the trauma as a large splinter lodged in your hand, but it is invisible. Since you did not know why your hand is hurting, you might hold on some ice, making it feel better initially. Over time as the splinter becomes infected, your hand hurts more and more, and you mask the pain with anti-inflammatories. The solution, of course, is to work on removing the splinter – the root cause of the hand discomfort that is becoming worse over time as it is left untreated. Likewise, somatic therapy helps the person who is experiencing negative physical and emotional stress work on the root cause of the problem rather than treating only the symptoms. It helps them become aware of the splinter so they can start to remove it and heal.

Somatic therapy helps realign the mind and body and should be guided by an experienced practitioner. Through somatic therapy, people gain a greater awareness of what their body is telling them and how their mind and feelings are linked to their body. Read our blog to learn more about what Plum Spring Clinic has to offer and functional medicine, stress resilience coaching, and somatic experiencing HERE.

Yoga is a somatic practice that brings those who practice it closer with their mind-body-heart connection. It is helpful in reducing negative stress (read our blog on Yoga Linked to Reduced Negative Stress HERE) and could be helpful to add along with other alternative therapies for treatment of trauma related illnesses. Look for a yoga practice that spends time cultivating a safe space for exploring this healing connection.

Dogwood Studio is excited to announce a new collaboration between Plum Spring Clinic in Chapel Hill, NC and Certified Yoga Therapist SAM Sather, MS, BSN, e-RYT, C-IAYT, C-IYSI. We had the pleasure of interviewing Plum Spring Clinic’s Kathleen Williams and she discussed how yoga therapy effectively fits into Plum Spring Clinic’s vision and offered services. Private yoga therapy sessions with SAM can be scheduled through Plum Spring. They still are offered through Dogwood Studio; this is an additional opportunity. Read more HERE.

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