Start Your Week From Within

Written by Amanda Dzengeleski

Greet the day with loving awareness in our upcoming four-part series: Heart Centered Yoga and Meditation on Mondays 8:00-9:15 a.m. March 6–March 27, 2023.

We can all relate to the reluctance of getting out of bed on a Monday morning. The onset of a new week can induce stress or overwhelm related to a looming list of responsibilities. However, having a consistent morning routine can increase your energy level, productivity and contribute to a more positive outlook. 

Psychologist, Ron Friedman, suggests that how you dedicate your morning can have a tremendous effect on the rest of your day. Friedman emphasizes the importance of looking inward during early hours, as opposed to engaging in an outward direction (checking email, social media, etc.). Starting your day with intention can create a positive shift in your energy and transform the way you engage with the world.

The practice of yoga invites you to approach your day consciously and purposefully, so that the action you take comes from a place of thoughtful intention. Yoga asana is an opportunity to celebrate your body and realign the connection between mind, body, and heart. To further cultivate this connection, join Amanda every Monday morning in March to explore a Heart Centered approach to yoga. Heart Centered Yoga provides a unique lens through which you can experience yourself and your yoga practice to greater depths. Through guided heartfelt meditation, you learn to recognize your inner resources, so that you can tap into them when faced with unforeseen challenges and respond more compassionately. 

Take time for yourself to check in and acknowledge what matters most. Leading your week with clarity from within helps cultivate a more resourceful and content day. 

Join Amanda for Heart Centered Yoga online Monday at 8am. Invite  the start of the week with an open heart. There is no better place to start your week than from within. 

Reach out to the Dogwood Team with any questions at We are here to help. 

Amanda Dzengeleski is a 200-hour registered yoga teacher (RYT), lifelong student, and lover of movement. She first discovered yoga as a form of mind-body medicine that cultivated a deeper state of self-awareness and personal growth. Using a trauma-informed approach, Amanda empowers her students to move freely and intentionally in celebration of body, mind, and soul. Email Amanda at with any questions.

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online and in person yoga classes as well as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.