Mindfulness and Freedom, Survey: The Future! What Will It Look Like? On Demand & Vagus Nerve and Freedom


Mindfulness and Freedom, Survey: The Future! What Will It Look Like? On Demand & Vagus Nerve and Freedom

With continued social isolation, the anti-racist movement, and the upcoming Fourth of July holiday, freedom is on most American’s minds. Freedom can mean different things for different people. Freedom from debt, freedom of movement, freedom from illness.

Freedom to live and breathe.

Everyone has the right to breathe. When we practice yoga, we become more aware of how we breathe, or we meditate to the natural rhythm of our breath. We find calm. The Yoga Alliance embraces equity in yoga in their ethical commitment for certified instructors and members. Equity “encompasses diversity, accessibility, and inclusivity.” Everyone should have access to the benefits of yoga. Likewise, we should be mindful of what is causing exclusion or barriers in our society to help everyone unite and support one another. People are happier and healthier when society is more equitable, including for those who help make it that way.

The keys to mindfulness are being present in the moment, accepting yourself and others as they are, and acting with awareness. The theme for classes this week and next is the three dimensions of mindfulness. The first dimension of mindfulness is the physical body. The second is inner body awareness and also the expanded awareness of space and freedom. The third dimension of mindfulness is recognizing our thoughts without judgement. This involves noticing our attachment to thoughts that are unkind to ourselves and others. We often associate the thoughts as truths without being mindful of the hindrance to the truth. In this dimension, we have the opportunity to recognize patterns of thoughts that we hold true which are not and hinder our perceptions. When we are able to do this, we begin to start the hard work to repattern behaviors, thoughts, and habits that are racist and work toward the truths of mankind. We are all interconnected and free, and our actions can hinder others and our own freedom or can do the opposite. The goal is to cultivate more sincere love and kindness towards others and self by recognizing fear.

The three dimensions of mindfulness intertwine and when practiced often can help the spread of love and kindness. Including the third dimension of mindfulness, we seek in ourselves what we can change. How am I racist? How can we be more accepting of others? How can we cultivate more peace and freedom?

The International Association of Yoga Therapists quotes the philosophy of the Rig Veda in their message of solidarity, which sums up why we seek freedom.

“Let us come together! Let us speak together! Let our minds be all of one accord. Let our speech be one; united be our voices! May our minds be in union with the thoughts of the Wise Ones. Let our hearts be joined as one. United be our thoughts. At peace with all, may we live together in harmony.” (X.191)

Harmony and freedom for all.

We practice for our mind, an open mind.

We practice for our heart, an open heart.

We practice for each other.


We want to know what you think! Help us by answering the survey: The Future! What Will It Look Like? On Demand & Vagus Nerve and Freedom by clicking on the link below.


On Demand Class Line Up for June 28th through July 4th

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On Demand Class Line Up July 5th through July 11th

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Look for an updated schedule for July coming soon! Check your inbox and the website for new class hours.