Live Streaming Online Yoga Classes


We are now online to bring you YOGA straight to your living room!!! This means that instead of coming to the studio, we will provide you with a direct link to join your class from home. Your teacher will be at the studio or their home AND you will be on a screen in front of your teacher! Wondering if online yoga is right for you? Hear from some of our first online yoga students about their experiences.



“Sam, thank you ever so much for finding a way to keep our yoga classes going.  Since social isolation is presently the best way to keep us healthy, we must endure. Your on-line classes keep both our minds and bodies engaged.”


“I’m used to traveling to a studio for yoga practice. For now, we can’t, coming at a time when we most need yoga’s many benefits. Fortunately, SAM is offering online classes.

I just finished my first online class, and it was excellent. I was able to see my fellow students (reinforcing our sense of community) and to benefit from my usual class practice under SAM’s expert instruction and guidance.

I would encourage you to consider joining SAM’s excellent online classes. Easy parking in your living room or study!”


“This was my first ‘online’ yoga class ever.  Surprisingly, it was very much like being in the studio with SAM.  I found it easy to follow her prompts — I had to move my iPad from place to place so I could always see her clearly, but that was not a problem at all.  It was the first time in several days that the ‘virus’ did not dominate my mind.  Thank you for a class that offers me refuge from the fear that seems to be taking over my life. I needed that class.  I’ll be back on Wednesday.”


“In this time of forced social distancing, yoga by computer with you as a “live” and engaging teacher, is a welcome presence in my home. Thank you for offering this valuable service as a way for us to be together. May all beings be healthy, and be free soon, to once again be out and about.

Thank you for kind attention. I wish you well.”


Learn more about online yoga and watch the recorded orientation session here.