Yoga Linked to Greater Compassion and Self-regulation


By now, you have likely read one of our blogs on how yoga is linked to improving physical and mental health. Another focus of yoga is in becoming more aware of how we respond, also known as self-regulation. Self-regulation is being intentional. Choosing to focus on the meaning behind someone’s words, or choosing to focus on the beauty of the day, rather than focusing on the person’s anger or your long to do list, reframes the negativity in an intentional manner and is a form of self-regulation.

This study found a link between yoga and improved self-regulation, which is achieved through carefully selected poses (asana) and noticing breath patterns (pranayama). As you practice yoga, you become more in tune with where your body holds negative stress as it is replaced with relaxation. Reducing negative stress reduces negative responses and opens us to greater understanding and compassion for others. Rather than being reactive to someone due to our own negative response to stress, we can respond compassionately.

Another study found a link between mindfulness meditation and compassion for others. Mindfulness is “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally” (from Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Kabat-Zinn). During mindfulness meditation, we self-regulate to focus on the present, openly and without judgment. This can lead to a greater sense of empathy for others and acts of compassion toward others.

We can deepen our resilience that it takes for acts of compassion from the comfort of our homes. SAM Sather, a certified yoga therapist, offers several online live yoga, mindfulness, and meditation classes, as well as weekly recorded On Demand classes.

Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab to sign-up for any sessions, including Joint Freeing Yoga, Yin Yoga & Mindful Movement & Yoga Classes.

For the latest schedule on the website, click HERE.

On Demand Line-up for October 25th – November 2nd & available for signing-up:

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For more information about On Demand classes, visit our website page HERE or email us at