Purchase a subscription for monthly unlimited classes

GOLD Subscription: Unlimited In Person and Online Classes, and Unlimited Access to the Video Library

This GOLD Subscription is for those who want monthly unlimited live classes (In Person and Online) AND unlimited access to the Learning Community On Demand Video Library. Current price is $104/month.

You can sign-up for as many live classes (In Person and Online) as you like during the months you have a GOLD subscription, with access to the large library of On Demand Videos. You can take as many as you like, anytime, and as often as you like.

At the beginning of each month, our video library is refreshed with new classes. Your subscription renews each month on the day of purchase.

You will have access to a whole library anytime. No more having to keep up with online class packages. NOTE: You will need to use up your class package before the subscription to live classes can be used (if applicable).

Contact info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com with questions.


BLUE Subscription: Unlimited In Person and Online Classes

This BLUE Subscription is for those who want monthly unlimited live classes (in person and online). Current price is $72/month. NOTE: you will need to use up your class package before your new subscription can be used (if applicable).

GREEN Subscription: On Demand Video Library

This GREEN Subscription is for those who want unlimited access to on demand videos to take throughout the month when they choose. Current price is $45/month.

Each type of class has several on demand videos to choose from, with different themes. At the beginning of each month, the video lineup changes. Your subscription renews each month on the date of purchase.

With access to this library of pre-recorded classes, you can take as many as you like, anytime and as often as you like during the months you have a GREEN subscription.

Contact info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com with questions.

Note: Sign in to your Momence account on a web browser or on the mobile app to access the video library.


Important Notes and faq

  • Please refer to the subscription agreement for information about purchasing, freezing, and canceling your subscription. This is viewable before checkout in the system. Each subscription has a separate agreement.

  • If you have unused classes from a package, you should use them first before purchasing the GOLD or BLUE subscriptions. You can use the Green subscription at any time, with or without a class package.

  • Combinations: Can I buy class packages AND also have a GREEN subscription (unlimited Video Library)?

    • Answer: Yes. For example, someone has a class package or buys a 5 class package, they can also buy a Green Subscription.

  • Vacations:

    • You can also buy a Green subscription (video library) for when you are traveling and want to use videos instead of live online sessions due to availability to attend a scheduled class. The memberships start on the purchase date and auto renews on that date monthly. You can cancel when you get back and before the next auto pay.

    • You can log-in to weekly live online classes from anywhere with a good internet connection and with the space you need.

    • You can also request that we freeze your account if you will not be able to use it for a period of time. We can unfreeze it upon your request and you will again have access to it. During the freeze time, you will not be charged.

Contact us to submit any questions or comments. We look forward to seeing you!