Healthy Backs! Improve or Prevent Low Back Pain

"More than one-third of adults say low back pain has affected their ability to engage in tasks of daily living (39 percent), exercise (38 percent), and sleep (37 percent). When experiencing low back pain, nearly three in four (72 percent) Americans use pain medication as a way to relieve their symptoms." 

-American Physical Therapy Association - Most Americans Live with Low Back Pain – and Don’t Seek Treatment

The health of the lower back diamond or TL impacts our whole body. This diamond helps stabilize your spine and connects muscles in the shoulders, pelvis and hips. Effective movement of the TL is very important for posture and functionality. But most people do not have an awareness of how they move or do not move their TL. Your awareness of your own TL diamond health is essential! If you don't have any mindful attention to your TL, any prescribed movement, injections, or other treatments to address TL health or dysfunction will not be long lasting or prevent repeated issues.

Fascia sounds like a strange word, but the health of this connective tissue that surrounds our muscles is important for our pain-free movement. When fascia is healthy, movements cause tissues to glide over the fascia easily. Pain can be caused by a lack of glide. Fascia communicates to the rest of your body. With a proper yoga practice, you can improve the glide and reduce pain in the lower back. Dogwood Studio Yoga offers a fascia workshop on January 19th for you to personalize your back care, as well as positively impact your emotional health.

Workshop: Design a Yoga Practice for YOU!

Date: Sunday, January 19th

Time: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

  • 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Part 1: Skeletal Variation and Yoga

  • 1:15 PM to 4:30 PM Part 2: Fascia & a Daily Practice to Benefit YOUR Health

Price: Early Bird Price $75. After January 1st, $100.

There are am and pm breaks and a break for lunch. All props supplied.

If you have questions or need more information: Space is limited to ensure support for your learning and therapeutic experience.

Sign-up here. You will need to sign in to your Mindbody account or create a new one if you do not already have one.

During the workshop, we integrate mind-body activities to increase awareness of habits that impact our health and provide techniques that can be applied in daily life to create opportunities to re-pattern our movements, mindsets, and support improved health.

Interested in more classes or workshops related to low back pain?

There needs to be a mind-body approach to address the root causes of back pain. Dogwood Studio Yoga offers classes and workshops that support healthy backs through personalized functional movement and mindfulness practices.

You may also enjoy our blog on “Using Fascia Inner Body Communication Qualities to Promote Improved Well-Being.”