Chakra Meditation Workshop at Dogwood Studio


This workshop teaches the technique of Yin Pranayama. The approach integrates Chakra and Yoga Theory with a Yin approach (calm, free, soft, anchored in the spine). These will assist you in advancing different levels of awareness and understanding of current states of mind and body to become more calm, healthy, clear and alive.


Date: November 17th, 2019

Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm 

Price: Early Bird $60 before October 18th. Regular price $75

The workshop includes meditation and movement practices to explore after the workshop for a beautiful personal meditation practice. Dogwood Studio provides other opportunities to support the refinement of the yin pranayama practices (group classes, private sessions, and/or special events series or workshops).

No prior knowledge of the Chakra or Yoga Theory is needed. Basic understanding of meditation is a plus. You do not need a regular meditation practice to attend. We hope the workshop will cultivate a deeper meditation practice. This is a great workshop for students and yoga teachers.

All props are supplied. Chairs are available.

Instructor: SAM Sather has 10 years of meditation and yoga therapy experience. Over the last 5 years she has integrated chakra theory and techniques into most of her personal and yoga instruction/therapy practices based on her intensive work with Paul and Suzee Grilley for whom she is extremely grateful.

If you have questions or need more information: Space is limited. Sign-up from the Dogwood Studio Website.