Yoga for All

Spring Process

Spring Process

Happy Spring and blessed Equinox. This moment of Spring that we are in is not a sudden occurrence, but is rather a continuum of the rhythm of the natural world. In other words, this moment is part of a spiralic, dynamic process. This moment is not a sudden, isolated occurrence, but rather a continuation of all other moments, breaths, and (inter)actions. Our asana practice provides us a wonderful container to notice, observe, and experience our own process. It is in moments of observing attachments or aversion that we createspace to be free of these kleshas. 

Yoga in The Garden!!! April 2024

Yoga in The Garden!!!   April 2024

Yoga in the NC Botanical Garden, resumes April 4, 2024 for 11 weeks. Spring offers us a unique opportunity to observe the ever-changing quality of nature (called anicca in Buddhism). While practice yoga in nature this spring we can witness the changes in phrenology of the trees changes and the emergence of perennials. This provides an opportunity to witness anicca in ourselves. Each time we arrive to the mat, we are anew. 

Perfection Lies Within

Perfection Lies Within

Every time we show up to our yoga practice we can open ourselves up to learn something new about ourselves. We can invite curiosity to listen and notice how the body, mind and spirit respond to our practice. We should strive to observing without judgment or desiring to fix or change anything. If we are lucky, we can embrace mindfulness and learn something new about ourselves.

The Profound Practice of Āsana

The Profound Practice of Āsana

For many people, their first exposure to yoga is the physical practice, referred to as yoga āsana. Everyone’s body is different so their physical practice will be different. No matter how you practice yoga āsana, you are integrating the physical, energetic and spiritual body. Yoga āsana offers a tangible tool to cultivate stillness through movement.

Functional Posture - Letting Go of the Aesthetic Ideal

Functional Posture - Letting Go of the Aesthetic Ideal

Yoga is a dynamic practice that generates a healthy stress on the bones and connective tissues. Rather than assigning rigid labels of good or bad to specific postures, it is best to approach our practice in a functional way. There is not a one-size-fits-all posture that suits every body or one that is suitable all the time. Certain postures can create imbalance if not approached mindfully.