New Offering: Candlelight Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

Thank you to those who joined us at the NC Botanical Garden on Thursday. It was an uplifting experience moving in tune with nature. We will continue to have Thursday evening classes at 5:45 pm at the Garden through September 28th when the Garden is open late. 

Dogwood Studios is pleased to announce a new weekly addition to our group class schedule. Starting September 20th, Candlelight Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra will be held every Wednesday 6:15 p.m. - 7:30 p.m EST. The first class is free!

More and more research shows that introspective and *interospective practices help decrease the intensity of the signs and symptoms of chronic conditions that negatively impact our happiness. Conditions that many of us live with like GERD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, to name just a few. Yin Yoga is an effective practice that is introspective (engaging in mindfulness activities designed to increase self-awareness) and interospective (creating and noticing a change in some aspect of one's internal self, such as muscular system, breathing, temperature, pulse or touch, energy, consciousness).

Yin also helps build up resilience for other inward focused practices, like meditation. Resilience is needed to increase your ability to stay calm in unexpected situations. This takes training-up, consistency and patience. A well trained practitioner like we have at Dogwood is important. 

Yin Yoga provides opportunities to spend time in places we live in less. During Yin Yoga we spend more time in lying, kneeling and seated poses to provide the opportunity to focus on the different layers of the body with relaxed muscles. Yin Yoga targets fascia bands and their associated energy meridians along the side, front and back body, helping to balance our energy, and nourish the hips, spine, low back, inner and outer legs, shoulders, and chest. Yin is a wonderful practice to support a meditation practice and yang physical practices. 

So combining Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra is a good recipe to contribute to your wellbeing. Yoga Nidra is a meditative practice of listening and letting go. The teacher gently guides you through a practice that provides the opportunity to enter into the state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, a hypnagogic state allowing deep rest and relaxation. After these practices, a student commonly feels alert and rested, rather than sleepy. 

Join us on September 20th at 6:15 p.m. for the first class of Candlelight Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra for FREE. 

Description of Candlelight Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

In this class, we apply mindfulness techniques to cultivate relaxation, awareness and insights to our mind, body and heart with Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra. This 75 minute class will start with a series of Yin Yoga postures, followed by a Yoga Nidra Meditation. Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra help us to cultivate calm and repattern reactivity to our thoughts, emotions and body in a safe space to apply in our day to day interaction with ourself and others. 

This class is practiced on the ground so having adequate props is important for comfort and warmth. You will learn about variations of the Yin poses that will target the area while honoring your individual needs. The instruction and your props provide support for YOUR body. 

We are looking forward to sharing this sacred time together with you.

What you will need to participate:

- a yoga mat or rug

- blanket(s)

- bolster(s) or pillows

- one or more yoga blocks

- Dress in layers for warmth, e.g., socks

Level: Most levels

Intensity: Gentle to Moderate

If you have questions, reach out to us at We are here to help. ❤️

Sign up for yoga classes such as Candlelight Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra or Yoga in the Garden using Momence. On the Class Sign Up Page, click on the class that works for you on our class sign up page. 

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) and an Insight Yoga Institute (IYI) endorsed teacher. She individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online and in person yoga classes as well as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.