New Class Series: Herbal Yoga

Whether we know it or not, we interact with plants on a daily basis. From the food that we eat, to the air that we breathe, to the beautiful blooms along the road, plants permeate our lives and, if we are open to it, our hearts. We can work with plants to cultivate a connection with the natural world and improve our overall wellness in body, mind, heart, and spirit. In this class series, we will bridge the connection between yoga and herbal medicine, two healing modalities rooted in ancient wisdom. 

Each week you will: 

  • Learn about the general health benefits of a different plant

  • Learn how to work with each plant as an ally for emotional and spiritual support 

  • Explore the plant with the senses, chakras, and subtle body

  • Practice embodiment of this wisdom in a mindful movement yoga practice. The movement practice will center around a quality of the plant’s physical or spiritual action. 

  • Practice a plant meditation. This will allow students to interact with the plant directly in the physical body or the subtle body.

This 6-week class series is being offered both in-person (@ Yoga Shala in Carrboro) and online on Sundays @4-5:30pm starting May 15th, 2022. Come to them all, come to one, come as you can! $60 for all 6 classes, or $15 each class. Teas and tinctures will be offered to those joining in-person, and resources to locate herbs will be provided to those joining online. 

No green thumb or prior experience with yoga necessary. If you can breathe, you can do yoga. If you are alive, you are connected to plants. Come as you are with willingness, an open mind, and an open heart.

Learn more about the Herbal Yoga Series on our website.

Registration is Open!

Ainslee Cunningham is a 200 hour registered yoga teacher (RYT) who is deeply inspired and influenced by nature. Ainslee aspires to support people with the mind-body connection of yoga, especially those affected by addiction and trauma. She is committed to exploring how we embody the elements of the natural world and how we can deepen our connection to the Earth’s natural rhythms.

SAM Sather, founder of Dogwood Studios, is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on finding calm and improving health. She offers several live, online and in person yoga classes as well as private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.