As the world awakens to the renewal of spring, take time to pause and experience the nectar of the present moment in our Re-Bloom Retreat on Sunday, April 6th at The Honeysuckle Tea House. Click HERE for more information.

Dogwood Studio is switching to a new and improved scheduling platform called Ribbon with a fresh new look!


Starting in mid July, you will purchase and sign up for classes, memberships, privates, and events using the new system. The system will also host the new, easier to navigate Video Library. Not to worry, any memberships or class passes will be transferred over.  

What will stay the same?

  • Online classes will still be hosted through Zoom. 

  • All the great teachers and support staff are still here to support you!

  • The class schedule is the same. 

  • The memberships, class and private session packages are the same. 

  • Any class and private session packages and memberships will be transferred to the new system. 

  • You can find access to your account portal through the website. 

What will be different?

  • The schedule and videos will be offered right on our website and are a click and sign in away. Everyone will be able to see what is available in the video library line-up. 

  • Finding the right videos will be easier with them organized by class type.

  • You will be able to rent a single video. 

  • You will get your Zoom link for a specific online class automatically from the system an hour before the class start time and then a reminder before the class starts. 

  • You will need to sign up for each class on the class calendar. At this time there is not a recurring class sign-up. You can cancel a class registration easily in your account. 

  • Vaccination record verification will be managed between you and the teacher for in person sessions. The new system does not store your documents at this time. 

  • The confirmation emails may look different from what you are used to. They will say they are for Dogwood Studio. The new system sends registration confirmations and Stripe for payments and purchases. 

  • You will need to use a web browser for the new system, either on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

How do I access Dogwood’s Ribbon?

  • Once we make the switch, you will receive an email with a temporary password so you can set up your account in the new system.

When does the switch happen?

  • The middle of July. 

What if I need help?

  • No worries! We will be here to step you through the new process. Reach out at with any questions you have.

What about security?

  • Your payment information hosting will not change and remains in the same system used by MindBody, called Stripe. So, there is no transfer of your credit card data. It stays encrypted and not seen by us or the new registration group.

  • Your other account information in the new system will be your name, phone number, email and any active packages, classes, events, sessions, memberships/autopays, etc. you have. 

  • The account database uses the most modern encryption techniques (AES-512), and your password will be encrypted. When the time comes, you will be instructed to login and create a private password. We will let you know more soon.

  • For now, we will store your personal documents (like vaccine card) in a secure document filing system that is not part of the new platform.

More information coming. Sign up for our newsletters below or email to be added to the list. 
