Meditation May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease: Try Chakra Meditation


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Alzheimer’s disease affected around 5.8 million Americans in 2020 (source), with the numbers of those affected expected to increase in the coming decades. It is a progressive neurological disease with symptoms that frequently begin after age 60. Over time, memory problems known as dementia become worse, causing difficulties with daily life. A good way to remember the difference between normal memory lapses and symptoms of dementia is that it is normal to forget where you put your keys, but it is a symptom of dementia if you forget what your keys are used for. Dementia can also cause mood or behavioral changes and difficulties making good decisions.

Although there are treatments that can help with symptoms or slowing the progression, there are no cures. Conventional Western medical treatment includes medications aimed at adjusting the brain chemicals acetylcholine or glutamate to help with dementia symptoms or other medications aimed at calming behavioral or mental health symptoms. Although there are many clinical trials looking at new treatments, none are currently used as a standard of care.

There is a study that looked at meditation for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. It found that meditation activates the parts of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex, frontal lobe, and anterior cingulate gyrus, both during the meditation and eight weeks after. The prefrontal cortex stabilizes emotions and has reduced activity in those with mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to dementia. Activation of the anterior cingulate cortex improves stress regulation and memory function. The posterior cingulate gyrus is critical for healthy emotions and memory. Reduced activity in this area is associated with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Although it is not clear exactly how meditation accomplishes these activations, it may help release key brain chemicals needed in these memory and emotion areas of the brain. Meditation also lowers risk of Alzheimer’s disease by improving sleep and reducing depression. Small changes in daily routine such as finding moments to unwind, living in the present moment, and letting go of worries, can help reduce the negative stress that may increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dogwood Studio offers weekly live online chakra meditation classes. Meditation is a practice by which a person achieves a greater sense of awareness, wisdom, introspection, and a deeper sense of relaxation. Chakra meditation includes the technique of Yin Pranayama or yang pranayama. The approach integrates a mental focus on the inner body awareness of our spine along the 7 main chakras centers with a goal to cultivate calm to support the balance between energy and awareness.

No prior knowledge of the Chakra or Yoga Theory is needed. You do not need a regular meditation practice to attend. If you have tried to find a regular practice this is for you. We hope the sessions will cultivate a deeper meditation practice. Sign up through Mindbody HERE.

More opportunities for classes that improve cognition include the 1) online classes offered weekly, 2) the In Person Mindful Movement and Yoga classes in June and this fall, and 3) the Chanting workshop coming in August.

Look for more opportunities for meditation workshops coming soon.

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