Dogwood Studio’s Intern offering two free yoga options


Dogwood studio’s intern, Aviva Tulasi is currently enrolled in an 800 hour IAYT approved yoga therapy program at the Sivananda Yoga Farm. Aviva studies classical Yoga and Ayurveda so that she can make the ancient teaching relevant to modern life. The goal of her education is to empower people in their own Self-healing. It is to teach and support holistic health; discovering how physical health is dependent on peace of mind. 

Dogwood studio and Aviva have teamed up to support Aviva’s journey through her yoga therapy program and to benefit students. Aviva will be offering two options for students to explore the yoga of turning inward: 1. Meditation in Motion weekly group yoga classes and 2. Yoga Health Practicum private sessions. 

1. Meditation in Motion weekly group yoga class is a 75 minute online class on Tuesdays at 10am. The goal of the class is to use the breath and the body to find balance in the present moment. 

Each week, the class will have the same general structure providing you with predictability so you can let go a little more. The class will start with focused breathing (pranayama) to center and ground yourself followed by dynamic but slow moving warm-up. After the warm-up you will be exploring movement of your body with a core set of asanas (comfortable yoga postures). The poses will incorporate forward bending, back bending, twisting and lateral stretches that can be performed seated, standing with or without a chair or wall, and lying. 

You are invited to look within as you investigate your body and make asana work for you. This gentle class helps build strength, mobility and flexibility while encouraging relaxation and  completeness. 

Level: Those that cannot get up off the floor can practice in the chair or use a chair or other props for transition support.

Intensity: Moderate

What you will need to participate:

  • a yoga mat or surface that you can practice on that is not slippery. Wearing socks can increase your chances of falling

  • a strap or similar object to allow you the ability to hold your foot more securely, e.g., hand towel

  • one or more yoga blocks

  • blanket

  • folding chair (padded seat is ideal)

  • device with a good internet connection (e.g., laptop, iPad.)

The first two offerings of the class will be free. Afterwards, the normal class rate will apply. You can use your class package to sign up for the class. Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab. 

2. Yoga Health Practicum private sessions is a private session with a yoga therapy student who is enrolled in an accredited yoga therapy school. The free sessions will be used as part of their education. This is a one-on-one discussion and yoga session.The Yoga Health Practicum sessions will be driven by your goals. Aviva will listen and work with you to find your place of balance. 

The first session is a ninety minute intake with a discussion of your holistic health guided by an intake form generated by the Yoga Health Educator Program at the Sivananda Yoga Farm. After the initial session, a plan will be developed to provide you the support you need to achieve your health goals and cultivate well-being. Additional sessions will draw on the tools of yoga to include but are not limited to meditation, breathing exercises (pryanama), yoga postures (asanas), Yoga Nidra (guided therapeutic meditation), affirmation, and reflection. Throughout the process, Aviva will offer her guidance and support. No prior practice needed. 

Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Appointments’ tab and choose Yoga Health Practicum. Daytime, evening and weekend appointments are available. Email Aviva at to get help scheduling an appointment or if you have any additional questions.

Aviva believes yoga awakes your joyful inner Self. Her practice is guided by 5 principles: 

  • Proper Exercise - Asana (comfortable, steady posture), designed to increase circulation, promote optimal functionality of all internal organs and glands, increase flexibility of joints, muscles and ligaments, strengthen body and mind, reduce pain, and maintain a balanced sense of being.

  • Proper Breathing - Pranayama (control of energy with deliberate breathing techniques) connects the physical body to its main energy source that creates a balanced, calm and focused mind.

  • Proper Relaxation - Savasana rests the body and mind simultaneously while maintaining consciousness. Body and mind function more efficiently when allowed to cool and recharge.

  • Proper Diet- Mindful eating habits that provide correct fuel for you (incorporating as much fresh vegetables as possible). You want to approach your diet with the mindset, “Eat to live; not live to Eat.”

  • Meditation and Positive Thinking - Calm the mind by watching your thoughts and experiencing your peaceful you. Improving your mental outlook puts you in charge of your life.

SAM Sather, a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), individualizes the yoga practice with appropriate modifications for participants’ unique bodies and medical histories with a focus on improving health. She offers several live, online class in yoga as well as weekly recorded On Demand classes. SAM also offers private sessions so you can focus on your needs one-on-one.

Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab to sign-up for any sessions, including Yin Yoga, Joint Freeing Yoga, and Mindful Movement & Yoga Classes.

For the latest schedule on the website, click HERE.


On Demand Line-up for February 7th through February 15th & available for signing up:


For more information about On Demand classes, visit our website page HERE or email us at