Mindfulness Meditation Benefits

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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being present in the moment, without judgment. Practicing mindfulness has health benefits, including reduced anxiety and depression, and an increased ability to cope with stress or illness. Some studies have shown that mindfulness practices caused measurable positive changes in areas of the brain responsible for memory, learning, and emotion. Many Americans get used to dwelling on the past or worrying about the future without noticing the here and now. The problem with this is that we can lose focus on what is truly important or enjoyable in our daily lives. Challenges include a culture based on rewarding efficiency and profitability over self-growth, being so busy that we forget to take care of our own needs, or a lack of familiarity of HOW to practice mindfulness.

Adding a mindfulness practice to a daily or even weekly routine is a step in the right direction to improved well-being of the mind and body.

New Mindfulness Meditation Class Online Starting September 14th

  • Mondays at 12:30 p.m.

  • Mindfulness Meditation is a practice anyone can do. Research has shown it does benefit you. Also doing it in a community is very powerful. 

  • What to expect: 

    • Taught by SAM Sather, certified yoga therapist

    • These are simple guided meditations that are effective in building our resilience and compassion. 

    • You do not have to attend every week. You will not get lost if you come occasionally. 

    • Each session will include a short pre-discussion on the practice you can do for that week and some time for any questions at the end. 

    • Those who attend will receive the recording of the meditation section of the session for practice soon after the session. 

    • The practice is based on the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, and also the work I have done over the last 10 years with the InSight Yoga Institute

    • There are two texts that are a good compliment to the classes, but not mandatory:

    • Recordings of these sessions will also be offered On Demand each Sunday the week after the class with the rest of the line-up.

Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab to sign-up for any classes, including Mindfulness Meditation.

Dogwood Studio offers other weekly live online and pre-recorded On Demand classes. For the latest schedule on the website, click HERE.

On Demand Line-up for September 13th – 21st & available for signing-up:

For more information about On Demand classes, visit our website page HERE or email us at info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com.