Tensegrity and Mobility Changes

Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

In a past blog, we discussed the concept of tensegrity and yoga. In summary, the bones are not the main supporting structure of our bodies as we commonly think. Instead, we are a system of soft tissues, the muscles and fascia, with secondary support from the bones. The balance of tension across our bodies is the main support.

As we age, we lose mobility. Western medicine focuses on our aging joints, which often suffer from arthritic changes over time. Following the concept of tensegrity, we can realize that mobility is much more than just our joints. Our changing mobility is due to a lack of space in our bodies, due to tightened fascia or soft tissue. The tightened soft tissue puts more strain on the joints and can lead to arthritis. Discomfort from joints may lead to a decrease in movement, which then starts the cycle over again with reduced flexibility in soft tissue.

One of yoga’s focuses is on opening spaces and improving glide in fascia, thus improving mobility and reducing pain. Improved glide in fascia reduces the pressure on joints. Another benefit of yoga is strengthening the mind-body connection, thus helping us to focus on where in our bodies lies the tension and reduced space, promoting relaxation, and reducing the sensation of pain. This study looked at several studies on yoga for arthritis and found evidence that yoga reduced pain and tender or swollen joints for people who had osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

When you are selecting a yoga instructor, be sure you choose one who is knowledgeable about appropriate ways for you to move your body based on your body’s unique needs and health history. SAM Sather, a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT), works with individuals with chronic pain and other medical conditions that may need modified movements, and she trains yoga teachers on how to safely guide clients through a carefully chosen practice. She teaches a class in gentle yoga focused on improving mobility in joints and reducing pain as well other classes that improve glide in fascia.

Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab to sign-up for any classes, including Joint Freeing Yoga & Mindful Movement Classes.

Dogwood Studio offers other weekly live online and pre-recorded On Demand classes. For the latest schedule on the website, click HERE.

On Demand Line-up for October 4th – 12th & available for signing-up:

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On Demand Regular Classes (SAM’s vacation dates) available for sign-up that you can use through October 5th:

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For more information about On Demand classes, visit our website page HERE or email us at info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com.