Let's Keep Us All Healthy and Safe


Your health and safety are most important to us!

As concerns regarding COVID-19 grow, we are working to prevent exposure to the virus at Dogwood Studio. 

We ask that you comply with the following: 

  1. If you are not feeling well, do not come to the studio.  Rest at home. 

  2. If you have a family member or roommate that is not well, please do not come to the studio. 

  3. If you have been exposed to COVID-19, do not come to the studio for at least 14 days after exposure. Report this to your healthcare provider. 

  4. If you have traveled to a town, country, region or US state that has a travel restriction due to COVID -19, please do not come to the studio for 14 days at least after you have returned home.

  5. If you have a medical history that makes you at more risk for severity of a virus, please do not come to the studio until we know more about the recommendations of the CDC. 

  6. Appropriately wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before entering the studio rooms. 

  7. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. 

We continue to do the following and are doing more: 

  1. We are increasing the cleaning of the mats. As you know we clean the mats each time after a class, but Rachel and I will do an additional wiping of the mats before the class starts if it is a class that they are set-up ahead of time. You are welcome to bring your own mat to use or place on top of the studio's mats. 

  2. Blocks are wiped frequently, but we will be wiping them after class, too. You can bring your own blocks. 

  3. The balance bar and posture sticks are wiped at the end of each class when used. 

  4. The blankets are washed each month. We also wash the covers to bolsters. Starting tomorrow we will let you set up your yoga space and choose your props. You can bring your own. The teacher will modify their instruction based on the props being used. 

  5. The chairs used in the Joint Freeing Yoga Class and private sessions are wiped frequently. And now the chairs will be wiped after each use. 

  6. Rachel and I will continue to skillfully verbally and with your permission physically assist you. 

  7. Any class cancellations will be found on the schedule in MindBody. 

  8. We are working on online classes recorded and live. Stay tuned. 

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions. We are here to help.