Why Your Neck Hurts When It is a Problem with Your Hip


We have written about tensegrity in past blogs, including Tensegrity and Yoga and Tensegrity and Mobility Changes. As a recap, we are primarily a system of soft tissues, the muscles and fascia, with secondary support from the bones. The key to tensegrity is realizing that instead of the bones holding everything together, the balance of tension across our bodies is the main support. We are able to move more freely through supporting the fascia. Moving one area or putting additional pressure on one area is distributed over the whole fascia. This study looks at how the transfer of tension occurs. However, we can put too much stress on an area of the fascia, causing injury. Repeated extra pressure can cause a weaker area. When too much tension exists in your hip, you may then feel it in the weaker area in your neck. It is easy to think that the pain is due to stiff neck muscles when it may in fact be coming from a different area of the body than where you feel the pain.

How do you release the excess tension? This study looked at three studies on yoga used for chronic neck pain, and it found a reduction in pain and increase in quality of life. Unlike other treatments, yoga focuses on the whole mind and body. Releasing tension felt in the neck requires opening the fascia throughout to reset.

How does this work? When a muscle contracts or the fascia in and around it is lengthened, much of the force goes into the fascia surrounding it. This force can be transferred to another place in the body not directly touching that muscle. This force is known as transmission. If you learn how to move your body based on this concept, it can help you overcome chronic pain and repetitive injuries. Some yoga poses improve the fascia glide, balance the forces in the body, and open the body to further movement and improved health.

A qualified and skilled yoga therapist selects poses that will help open the fascia without causing too much tension and can work with participants to help their individual bodies’ needs. SAM Sather, a certified yoga therapist, offers several live, online class in yoga as well as weekly recorded On Demand classes. You can do something wonderful for your fascia easily from the comfort of your own home. She also offers private sessions so you can focus on your needs one on one.


Click on the link HERE to sign-up and go to the ‘Classes’ tab to sign-up for any sessions, including Joint Freeing Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Mindful Movement & Yoga Classes.

For the latest schedule on the website, click HERE.


On Demand Line-up for November 15th through 23rd & available for signing-up:

OD Nov 15.png

For more information about On Demand classes, visit our website page HERE or email us at info@dogwoodstudioyoga.com.