continuum of practice

The Inner Stages of Yoga, Meditation’s Continuum of Practice

The Inner Stages of Yoga, Meditation’s Continuum of Practice

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras outline 8 stages for the practice of Yoga, the Eight Limbs of Yoga. The later stages describe how to cultivate a practice of meditation. Meditation offers an opportunity to integrate your experience and notice what is in your Awareness. It is a journey of training the mind to stay present and focused. Identifying where you are in the meditation continuum of practice (Dharna, Dhyana or Samadhi) allows you to find greater awareness.

Yoga is a Continuum of Practice

Yoga is a Continuum of Practice

You are uniquely you. Just as no two apples look exactly the same, people (even twins) don’t have the exact same features. We are different on the outside, therefore we have to be different on the inside. We are not even completely symmetrical.

There isn’t a one size fit for yoga.

There isn’t one version of an asana that is the real or full pose. Each asana is a shape that has a specific target.