Online Chakra Meditation Workshop

Chakra meditation workshop

When: April 18th, 2020 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Price: *$50

*This includes a Signed Book from Paul Grilley: A Yogi’s Guide to Chakra Meditation

Repeat Attendees: $35 (contact SAM to register)

Online Chakra Meditation Workshop Description:

Integrates chakra and yoga theory applied to a meditation approach that practices drawing more inward toward our inner body to assist in repatterning our reactivity to cultivate more states of calm, health, and clarity.

The workshop includes meditation and gentle movement practices to take and explore after the workshop.

No prior knowledge of the chakra or yoga theory is needed. This is a great workshop for students and yoga teachers.

Learn more about online yoga, how to sign up, and watch the recorded orientation session here.


SAM Sather has 15 years of meditation and yoga therapy experience.

Over the last 5 years, she has integrated chakra theory and techniques into most of her personal and yoga instruction/therapy practices based on her work with Paul and Suzee Grilley, for whom she is extremely grateful.

The training is approved by IAYT for Yoga Therapists for certification maintenance credits.


If you have questions or need more information, please send an email to