Need More Calm in 2020? Bija Mantra & Chakra Meditation is Offered on Four Saturdays Starting March 7th


This 60 minute class combines chanting the Bija Mantra (Sounds of the Chakras) followed by a Chakra Meditation, ending with savasana. 

The goals of this call is for you to become: 

  • less attached to your thoughts,

  • less attached to who you think you are (decreasing comparing and competing),

  • more insightful into your problems and more compassionate toward the problems of others,

  • more patient.

When: 4 Saturdays in March (7th, 17th, 21st, 28th) 10:45 a.m.- 11:45 a.m. 

Sign-up in Mindbody under the ‘Workshops’ tab. You will need to log-in or create a new account.

No prior experience needed.

All props (mats, zafus, zabutons, cushions, bolsters, blankets) provided but feel free to bring your favorite meditation cushion, bench, scarf/hat.

Benefits of Bija Mantra & Chakra Meditation: 

  • The Bija mantras are one-syllable seed sounds that, when said aloud, can help activate the energy of the chakras in order to support balance of the mind & body. Bija Mantra can be very beneficial before a meditation practice. 

  • Chakra Meditation at Dogwood Studio incorporates concepts and techniques introduced to SAM by Paul & Suzee Grilley.

  • Chakra meditation goals are to slowly and systematically untangle the karmic threads of your consciousness to your physical, astral and causal bodies to reach freedom.

“To abide in your own true nature.” (Patanjali 1.3, 4.34)