Fascia is Adaptive.
The way we hold our body is highly influenced by our fascia and how we hold our body highly influences the shape and qualities of our fascia. This impacts our health greatly!
Fascia is sometimes nicknamed the wetsuit of the body. Fascia is also a system that is everywhere in our bodies: under our skin, between organs and muscles, in our cells and more. Fascia provides support, elasticity, and sliding within our bodies. Fascia is not just the shiny looking stuff you associate with covering muscles or meat. There are many kinds of fascia, from fluffy to dense, superficial to deep. Fascia is also associated with our circulatory, lymph, and immune systems. Healthy "stress" to fascia is essential for our health.
Fascia Has a Quality Called Glide. Glide refers to a lubrication that allows efficient sliding (gliding) between adjacent structures in the body. This allows our tissues to absorb load (stress) and allow freedom in motion.
You can have too little or too much glide. Have you ever referred to "the good side, bad side of my body, or my bad knee (shoulder) or my weak and strong side"? Much of this can be associated with the qualities of your fascia in relation to your skeleton and to the movement of your body. How we move and hold our bodies highly impacts the glide and the health of our fascia.
So what happens when there is not healthy glide between the layers? Stiffness, inflammation and pain, to name a few!
Fascia and Energy Meridians.
"Fascia assists gliding and fluid flow and holds memory and is highly innervated. Fascia is intimately involved with nourishment of all cells of the body, including those of disease and cancer. The human body's fascia network may be the physical substrate represented by the meridians of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)." Reference: Fascia and Primo Vascular System (National Institute of Health (NIH), 2015) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4561979/
Yoga and Benefits to Our Fascia.
Yoga performed functionally and not alignment based (i.e., aesthetic focused) can significantly aid in the health of your fascia. All the classes at Dogwood Studio are designed to benefit the way fascia works in your body. There is a concept called "Force Transmission" that is applied in our classes at Dogwood Studio. You will hear more about Force Transmission in future blogs or emails that are related to muscle fascia and the root causes of pain and/or limited movement!
Why Therapeutic Yoga? Yin and Yang Yoga
Yin Yoga and Improving Your Glide!
Yin Yoga at Dogwood Studio is taught in a lower lit setting with a variety of props to support many kinds of bodies. Yin Yoga can be taught various ways, but usually has some consistent principles: longer held poses with relaxed muscles and a meditative mindfulness component during and between poses.
Not all Yin Yoga classes are accessible to everyone, but the concepts and benefits of a Yin Yoga session can be felt by ANYONE if adapted to an individual's medical history, and bone and connective tissue health.
Yin Yoga includes poses that are performed on the floor. For those that cannot get up and down from the floor, private sessions can be arranged.
Yin Yoga entails poses that target particular superficial fascia plains, but unlike many standing movement yoga classes, also targets certain deeper fascia plains.
Additionally, Yin Yoga is designed to target pairs of energetic meridians (Yin and Yang). Yin Yoga is a wonderful way for east to meet west in a therapeutic approach for increasing flexibility and glide deeper in our body, and repatterning negative mind-body reactivity.
Yang Yoga and Improving Your Glide!
The movement classes at Dogwood Studio (Mindful Movement and Yoga, Flow Yoga for YOUR Body, and Joint Freeing Yoga) have been designed to target the superficial fascia plains of the body for the participant to discover how their posture influences their fascia and ultimately their skeleton.
These classes are designed to educate the student on the uniqueness of their skeleton and how it influences the way they should practice a pose safely and functionally to obtain the benefits we love about yoga. Practicing yoga in this way will improve their posture, balance, awareness, fascial glide, and decrease stress with less risk of injury.
Fascia benefits by certain types of movement and forces. The chorography, therapeutic speech and props used during our classes are specifically designed to positively impact functional movement, the qualities of fascia and movement, and more. Each class is a journey to discover where we hold tension, verses where we have a need for more stability or flexibility.
About Dogwood Studio.
At Dogwood Studio all of our classes, workshops and private sessions are focused on functional movement to help you learn about your fascia, skeleton and mind-body connection and how these impact on tension and the negative patterns in your mind and body. Repatterning our movements and thought patterns when producing imbalances is a goal for all sessions.
SAM Sather, owner of Dogwood Studio, has over 1000 hours of training with experts like Paul Grilley, Sarah Powers, and many others. She feels very lucky to have had the ability to study with great masters and integrate that into her nursing and yoga therapy.
#1. Attend the Monthly Yin Yoga Classes at Dogwood Studio!
FRIDAY July 19th and August 16th are the next sessions at 6pm.
Space is Limited. To Register go to our website. https://dogwoodstudioyoga.com/register
or Sign-up through the Dogwood Studio MindBody Link. https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/su1.asp?studioid=995057
For a description of Yin Yoga and other classes at Dogwood Studio's visit our website. https://dogwoodstudioyoga.com/classes
Yin Yoga Class with props to support your body and medical history.
#2. Attend Workshop Series Yoga and Your Myofascia at Dogwood Studio!
[The series advertised starting in July is full.]
Two more opportunities: 2 part full workshop that includes a Saturday Workshop and a Sunday Master Class.
August 17-18 OR September 14-15. Saturday 1p-5p AND Sunday 2p-4p.
Earlybird Price: $100/full workshop Parts 1 and 2.
Approximately 1 week before the event(s) the early bird expired and the price is $120. The best experience is both days, but a limited amount of participants will be able to sign up for just Part 1 or 2.
This 2 part workshop is taught by SAM Sather, a certified Yoga Therapist that specializes in functional movement and mindfulness. In this series she integrates the function and importance of fascia, posture, and skeletal variation with yoga, mindfulness, insight and happiness.
The workshop will focus on the main plains of the human body's fascia to learn to adapt the 7 archetypal categories of yoga poses to YOUR body to target your fascia and energy meridians. This will promote increased awareness, flexibility, strength, balance and sense of well-being with less risk of injury. You will walk away with a balanced mind-body yoga practice for you.
Learn a practice that safely and positively stresses your body's fascia target areas while taking into account your skeletal variation and medical history. This mindful practice promotes great insights as to how we hold tension, move (or do not move) our bodies, and how we relate to the sensations in our body.
This practice supports mind-body activities to increase awareness of habits that impact our health, and provides techniques that can be applied in daily life to create opportunities to re-pattern our movements and support improved health.
To register or get more info https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/su1.asp?studioid=995057
The class size is limited to 10! Call SAM for questions: 910-431-5745
#3 Weekly Classes at Dogwood Studio!
Current JULY 8th- AUGUST 19th, Group Class Schedule:
7:45 - 8:30 am Mindfulness Meditation
8:45 - 10:00 am Flow Yoga for YOUR Body
10:30 - 11:30 am Joint Freeing Yoga
2:00 - 3:15 pm Mindful Movement and Yoga
6:00 - 7:15 pm Yin Therapeutic Stretch and Meditation
9:30 - 10:15 am Mindfulness Meditation
10:30 - 11:45 am Mindful Movement and Yoga
2:00 - 3:15 pm Yin Therapeutic Stretch & Meditation
1:30 - 2:15 pm Meditation Class
2:30 - 3:45 pm Flow Yoga for YOUR Body
6:00 - 7:15 pm Restorative Yoga
11:00 - 12:15pm Mindful Movement and Yoga
12:30 - 1:15 pm Mindfulness Meditation
2:00 - 3:00 pm Joint Freeing Yoga
Monthly Evening Yin Classes
8:00 - 8:45 am Weekend Mindfulness Meditation
Class sizes are nice and small, so we recommend you sign-up in advance! https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/su1.asp?studioid=995057
For more information about classes and prices visit our website: https://dogwoodstudioyoga.com/register/#anchor-Classes
#4 Private Yoga Therapy Individual or Small Group Sessions
What is Yoga Therapy?
Yoga therapy is designed to help empower the individual to progress toward greater health and well-being.
No previous yoga experience is required. The individual learns to explore the connections between the mind and body, and may realize benefits in breathing, flexibility, balance, strength, and the ability to decrease reactivity and better manage life circumstances.
Yoga therapy is done on a one to one basis or in a small group of individuals with like conditions and needs, e.g., a physical condition such as lung, heart or kidney disease, diabetes, chronic pain, depression, or anxiety.
For more information about Yoga Therapy at Dogwood Studio go to: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/su1.asp?studioid=995057
We recommend that you visit the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) website: https://yogatherapy.health/what-is-yoga-therapy/ to have access to many publications on the therapeutic benefits of yoga.
Visit our website to learn more or contact us! https://dogwoodstudioyoga.com/