Collaboration with Cognitive Psychiatry of Chapel Hill
Dogwood Studio has exciting news to share about a collaboration with Cognitive Psychiatry of Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, NC. Learn about our interview with them BELOW.
Why is Cognitive Psychiatry of Chapel Hill Different (CPCH)?
CPCH treats everyone as an individual and understands that the mind and body are interconnected. Rather than following the traditional treatment-based, disease-focused approach to health, CPCH focuses on a preventive-based, wellness-focused model. This means they understand that everyone can benefit from treatment before they progress to illness.
Their integrated care approach focuses on the whole person - their mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and relationship health. Unlike the traditional medical approach which sends people to a different specialist for each body system, CPCH hopes to find solutions for your needs within the same office. Office visits (online or in person) are not quick medication refills but check in with how you are really doing. The office space is calm and inviting and feels more like a spa visit than going to a medical office.
CPCH therapy aims for some of the same goals as yoga therapy. Here is a quote from the interview with Jessica Booth, LMFT, LCAS-A:
Jessica Booth, LMFT, LCAS-A
“A lot of times people struggle with the feeling of disconnect between the mind and body; that they might be conflicting with one another or that they have different priorities from one another. It is hard to get them in sync. Yoga is one of those aspects that promotes you being in sync with your body and mind together fulfilling one purpose.
That is what we are trying to get in therapy. That feeling that you can get whenever you feel that in sync mind-body experience in yoga. That is what we want to try to harness and that is what we need to practice.”
To learn more, visit their website at
We interviewed Jessica Booth, LMFT, LCAS-A, from Cognitive Psychiatry of Chapel Hill to learn more about their practice and how Dogwood Studio fits in with their vision.
Hear the entire interview below. Click HERE for the transcript →